SoGlut and SoSDL RenderArea
SoSDLRenderArea linking problems on Windows: If you see linking
errors like "msvcrt.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005: _exit already
defined in LIBC.lib(crt0dat.obj)" in MS Visual C++, you need to change
type of run-time library for your project. Go to Project > Settings
> C/C++ > Category: Code Generation and set Use run-time library
to "Multithreaded DLL". The reason is, that SDL library is linked
as "Multithreaded DLL" and it is problem to have two types of
run-time library in one application. So, another solution is to relink
SDL with run-time library you are using is your project.
Multiple render area troubles:
During the developement I have noticed many problems with this. GLUT looks
very buggy on some platforms when we are using multiple windows (this
does not include Windows) and current implementation of SDL (1.2.3) do
not support more windows at a time.
How to survive with SDL: Multiple render areas are supported but only
one can be visible on the screen at a time, the rest must be hidden.
So it is possible, for example, to show splash screen during an application
start-up, then hide it and show main application window. No platform
dependent problems are known.
How to survive with GLUT: On Windows you can use multiple render areas
on GLUT version at least 3.7.6. On my Linux it works well (GLUT version
3.7.0). On MacOS X it is impossible to have multiple windows because
of uncomplete GLUT multiple windows support implementation. You should
expect some problems like keyboard and mouse input going to a wrong
window, or the rendering happens on a wrong window and so on. Other
platforms are untested.
Fullscreen troubles: It completely works on Windows platform.
On Linux fullscreen works completely right only with SDL. GLUT works but
you can not change screen resolution (incomplete GLUT implementation).
It is same with Mac OS X GLUT. SDL on Macs works well except detecting
of supported resolutions (SDL support lack).
Window close problems: When user close any of GLUT windows (Windows
and Linux tested), application is terminated. I do not find any way to
go around this. Probably, only solution is that somebody puts a little
bit time to extend GLUT library to handle windows closing in some better
way. GLUT also gives no way to register close callbacks. SDL makes no
problem with all this. Simply, if you do not register window close callback
and windows is closed, application is terminated. If windows close callback
is registered, user is responsible for an apropriate action.
atexit functions are not called:
This is a Microsoft DLL related problem. One solution is to upgrade to
the latest version of GLUT that contains special hack to handle this.
Another solution, or if you are using SDL, is to relink your application
with the MSVCRT.LIB (multi-threaded, DLL) library, the one GLUT and SDL
is linked against. If you are using Visual C, go to Project > Settings
> C/C++ > category Code Generation and set Use run-time library
to Multithreaded DLL.