Patent Details

Zařízení pro snímání očního pozadí a způsob jeho činnosti

Registered: 24 August 2018 Approved: 10 December 2020

English title
Device for scanning of ocular background and the method of its operation
Industrial Property Office, Antonína Čermáka 2a, Praha, CZ
required - licence fee
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

eye retina, fundus camera, adaptiv control


The invention relates to a device for sensing the ocular background, which comprises illumination means, an adaptive optical system, a sensing unit and an electronic unit, the illumination means, the optical unit and the sensing unit being mounted on positioning means for accurately positioning the optical axis of the device. The adaptive optical system and the sensor unit are further mounted within a positioning means for precise positioning of the optical axis on a common spherical positioning system, the center of rotation of which is the intersection of the optical axis of the device with the pupil plane of the scanned eye. The common spherical positioning system of the optical system and the sensor unit is reversibly pivotally adjustable around the center in circular directions and the adaptive optical system is arranged in a pair of coaxial tubes arranged one behind the other in the optical axis, the front tube being independently reversibly adjustable in the optical axis direction of the scanned eye. Furthermore, the solution relates to a method of scanning the ocular background with this device.

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