Course details

Advanced Computer Graphics (in English)

PGPa Acad. year 2018/2019 Winter semester 5 credits

Current academic year

Scene representation for dynamic rendering, mathematical and procedural textures - design, rendering and animation, real-time rendering of complex scenes, design and implementation of animation system for articulated structures, dynamics in computer animation, soft-object animation, facial and behavioral animation, special rendering methods and techniques (non-realistic rendering, special effects).


Language of instruction



Examination (written)

Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures
  • 26 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 51 pts final exam (28 pts written part, 23 pts test part)
  • 9 pts mid-term test (test part)
  • 40 pts projects




Subject specific learning outcomes and competences

The students will get acquainted with the advanced computer animation and computer graphics methods suitable for dynamic and large scale scenes. They will also learn how to practically implement selected algorithms through projects.
The students will practice teamwork on the projects, work with literature, and practical experience with C/C++ language.

Learning objectives

To get acquainted with the advanced computer animation and computer graphics methods suitable for dynamic and large scale scenes. To learn how to practically implement selected algorithms through projects.

Recommended prerequisites

Study literature

  • Články IEEE, ACM, Wikipedie
  • Thalmann, N., M., Thalmann, D., Interactive Computer Animation, Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN 0-13-518309-X
  • Moeller, T., Haines, E., Real-time Rendering, AK Peters, 1999, ISBN 1569911012

Fundamental literature

  • Články IEEE, ACM, Wikipedie
  • Thalmann, N., M., Thalmann, D., Interactive Computer Animation, Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN 0-13-518309-X
  • Moeller, T., Haines, E., Real-time Rendering, AK Peters, 1999, ISBN 1569911012 

Syllabus of lectures

  1. Introduction, limits of computer graphics, physics reminders/Úvod, omezení počítačové grafiky, připomínka fyziky (Zemčík 19.9. slajdy/slides)
  2. Advanced work with shaders/Pokročilá práce se shadery, Frame Buffer, Teselation, Compute Shader (Milet 26.9. slajdy/slides FitGL)
  3. Optimization of ray tracing/optimalizace sledování paprsku (Zemčík 3.10. ray tracing program pray slajdy/slides)
  4. Visibility, shadow maps, shdow volumes, real-time global illumination/Výpočty viditelnosti, stínové mapy, stínová tělesa, real-time globální osvětlení  (Milet, 10.10. slajdy/slides)
  5. Visibility, shadow maps, shdow volumes, real-time global illumination II/Výpočty viditelnosti, stínové mapy, stínová tělesa, real-time globální osvětlení II (Milet, 17.10. slajdy/slides)
  6. Advanced Gl/Pokročilé metody GI (T. Lysek 24.10.slajdy/slides)
  7. CUDA and OpelCL/CUDA a OpenCL (Kula, 31.10. slajdy/slides)
  8. Physically based shading, Anti Aliasing (Starka 7.11. slajdy/slides slajdy/slides)
  9. Large scenes/Rozsáhlé scény, level of detail (Starka lod velké scény/large scenes, 14.11.)
  10. Test, Rendering of scenes with high dynamic range - HDR/Zobrazování scén s vysokým dynamickým rozsahem - HDR, (Čadík 21.11. slajdy/slides)
  11. Animation of skeletal structures/ Animace kloubních soustav, "motion capture" (guest M. Fědor ??? 28.11.)
  12. Virtual and augmented realisty/Virtuání a rozšířená realita (Beran, 5.12. slajdy/slides)
  13. Pokročilé metody realistického zobrazování/Advanced methods of realistic rendering (guest V. Havran slajdy/slides, ČVUT v Praze, 12.12.) 

POZOR!!! Témata a data přednášek jsou orientační a budou v průběhu semestru aktualizována.

NOTE: The topics and dates are just FYI, not guaranteed,  and will be continuously updated.

Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students

  1. Homeworks (5 runs) at the beginning of semester
  2. Individually assigned projects.

Progress assessment

Homeworks, mid-term test, individual project.

Course inclusion in study plans

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