bronze partner
We're a software company headquartered in the centre of Brno since 1997. We partner with numerous Czech companies as well as companies from all over the world. We specialise in automation and robotisation in large-scale warehousing projects (e.g. in the field of pharmaceutical production or the textile, food and automotive industries). The physical size of these projects can sometimes rival that of the entire Brno Exhibition Centre! We develop information systems for hospitals which facilitate the entire hospitalisation process and process patient data in the system. In addition, we implement an information system for smart buildings - one which we also use to manage the Seacomp building. Despite being a mid-sized corporation, we want to be a family-type enterprise. We are continually looking for programmers specialising in C++, JAVA, SQL or C#, as well as database programmers, both front-end and back-end.
Event Partner
FIT Guarantor
Bachelor's and Master's Theses
- DP: Mobile Application for Communication between a Doctor and a Patient, supervisor: Bartík Vladimír, Ing., Ph.D., assigned, 2024
- DP: Mobile Application for Communication between a Doctor and a Patient, supervisor: Bartík Vladimír, Ing., Ph.D., unfinished, 2023
- BP: Web Application for Editing and Biometric Signing of Documents, supervisor: Bartík Vladimír, Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2023
- BP: Analysis and Comparison of KeyCloak and Auth0 Identity Management Systems, supervisor: Burget Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D., unfinished, 2022
- DP: Alternativní transformace pro formát JPEG, supervisor: Bařina David, Ing., Ph.D., unfinished, 2020
- DP: Simulace skladu a optimalizace rozmístění produktů za účelem zvýšení propustnosti skladu, supervisor: Kodym Oldřich, Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2020
- DP: Alternativní transformace pro formát JPEG, supervisor: Bařina David, Ing., Ph.D., unfinished, 2019
- BP: Nalezení nejkratší cesty pro průchod skladem, supervisor: Křivka Zbyněk, Ing., Ph.D., unfinished, 2019
- BP: Webový kanban, supervisor: Burget Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D., completed, 2019
Vývojář/Analytik Databáze/SQL
Contact: kariera@seacomp.cz
Guarantor: Petrušková Hana, Ing.
Valid from until: 25. 2. 2025 - 30. 6. 2025 -
Vývojář/Analytik C++/SQL
Contact: kariera@seacomp.cz
Guarantor: Petrušková Hana, Ing.
Valid from until: 25. 2. 2025 - 30. 6. 2025 -
Vývojář/Analytik JAVA
Contact: kariera@seacomp.cz
Guarantor: Petrušková Hana, Ing.
Valid from until: 25. 2. 2025 - 30. 6. 2025