Category: news
Day: 16 September 2021
Rescue robot RUDA to be seen in the Czech Republic Pavilion at EXPO 2020
The world's fair EXPO 2020 Dubai, which opens on 1 October after a year of delays, will, among others, present a robot from the Faculty of Information Technology. RUDA, a robot for rescuing people in debris and under avalanches, constructed by researchers of the STRaDe@FIT group, will be a part of rotating exhibitions CZ Robot and CZ-EX Machina. The 120-kilogramme robot is now heading to Dubai and will be seen in the Czech Republic Pavilion from 23 October.
World Expo is a prestigious international exhibition designed to showcase industry and culture of individual countries, which has been held since the second half of the 19th century. The Czech exhibition will include a permanent part, which will be integrated into the garden and the pavilion throughout Expo 2020, and a rotating part, which will change every two weeks and will be focused on different individual topics, such as Czech robots. The exhibitions are thematically focused especially on science, research, innovative technologies and modern design.
PHOTO: Technical Museum in Brno