Press Release

Day: 16 November 2020

American company Kemp buys a spin-off of the Brno University of Technology, Flowmon Networks


Kemp Technologies, a technology company, has announced its acquisition of Brno company Flowmon Networks. The founding team of the university spin-off, which is currently one of the global leaders in network traffic monitoring and analysis also included researchers from FIT BUT. The acquisition of Flowmon Networks is the first successful exit of a BUT's technology spin-off.

Flowmon Networks, originally known as Invea-Tech, was founded 13 years ago around the Liberouter research group of the CESNET association. At that time, many members of academic staff and students from FIT BUT and the Masaryk University were involved in the spin-off. Products of the newly established company were based on the results of their academic research.

"When members of academic staff of both institutions founded a company, both universities gained an equity interest and, together with the CESNET association, continued to support the development of new technology. The result of this was, for example, one of the first 100Gb Netflow probes," recalls Jan Kořenek from FIT BUT, one of the co-founders of the company.

Thanks to co-operation with academic entities and focus of development on new technology, Flowmon Networks received a number of awards and is currently one of the fastest-growing technology companies in the area of network traffic monitoring and analysis.

"Partnering up with Kemp is a great opportunity to bring our solutions closer to more customers all over the world," says Jiří Tobola, CEO of the company, who was the co-founder of Flowmon Network when he was still studying at FIT. You can read more about the foundation of this spin-off in an interview with Jiří Tobola from June; for more information about the acquisition, click here.

Acquisition of Flowmon Network is a proof that it is possible to turn academic research into a very successful company. Of course, this is not the end of co-operation with the academic sphere. To the contrary, both CESNET and the Brno University of Technology plan to continue their co-operation with Flowmon Networks. Furthermore, thanks to the acquisition, technology created by the company will be in better position to establish itself on foreign markets.

Author: Kozubová Hana, Mgr.

Last modified: 2021-02-02T16:42:25

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