Press Release
Day: 1 August 2022
Research means constant learning. It is a great job for the curious, says graduate working in Singapore
Jakub Pružinec, an FIT graduate, has been working in the distant Singapore for over two years. At Nanyang Technological University (NTU), he is a research assistant in the HP-NTU Corporate Lab, a new laboratory created in collaboration between the university and HP. "You get a taste of both, the academia and the industry," Jakub Pružinec says.
He got to the university in Singapore in a rather unconventional way. "After completing my Bachelor's thesis, I was looking for research opportunities to gain experience and, more importantly, get references for future doctoral studies. I came across the university website of Professor Liu Yang, head of several security labs at NTU, where he was offering research positions in his new laboratory. They were intended for post-graduates and I, being an undergraduate student right before my state exams, wrote to him with butterflies in my stomach," Pružinec remembers with a smile.
His study results, the support of Professor Černocký, who recommended Jakub through mutual acquaintances, and, of course, a great deal of luck helped him out. "I met many exceptionally intelligent and capable students during my studies at FIT. I was surprised how unaware of their skills and options they often were, thinking international programmes to be out of their reach. Sure, FIT is a demanding school, but it gives you everything you need to reach your potential. All you have to do is try," Pružinec says.
Today, he is a part of the security team focusing primarily on malware analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of security measures. "In research, you have to keep learning. In fact, I am partly paid for learning. At work, I am free to pursue my interests. It's a perfect job for the young and especially for the curious," comments Jakub.
However, it was not easy to adapt. "Definitely the biggest challenge is the separation from my family. It's the price for discovering the world. In addition, you are constantly aware of how different you are - in dialect, customs and, most of all, sense of humour. Many times I had to save the day with the magic phrase 'just kidding'," says Jakub laughing and adds that he eventually fell in love with Singapore. "It's a lively city with five million inhabitants, you make friends fast and get set up there very quickly," he says.
He is not planning on returning to Europe anytime soon. "Here, you have a great opportunity to publish and patent your results. Such references are very valuable when applying for further studies, academic positions or jobs in the industry. After finishing my projects, I would like to begin my doctoral studies. Preferably in the USA," he says.
Author: Horná Petra, Mgr.
Last modified: 2022-09-23 09:42:47