Basic methods of attaining knowledge and skills

Human being perceives:

  • by eyesight (80 %),
  • by hearing (12 %),
  • by other senses(8 %),
of all pieces of knowledge. But this fact is in diametral contradiction with methods of the education often used in the whole world, i.e. that the new information is explained:
  • by hearing (84 %),
  • by eyesight (10 %),
  • by other senses (6 %).

Such reality has the bad influence on the effect of the traditional education system, that's why a human being remembers

  • 10 % from that, what a human being first time hears or reads,
  • 20 % from that, what a human being concurrently reads and hears,
  • 30 % from that, what a human being sees in pictorial form.
But a human being remembers as much as
  • 70 % from that, what a human being concurrently sees and hears,
  • 80 % from that, about what a human being also tells or relates,
  • 90 % from that, what a human being also performs alone.

Em., 2018-01-08:The source/origin, which was in Czech is forgotten.

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