Course details
Cyber-Physical Systems Design (in English)
CPSa Acad. year 2024/2025 Summer semester 5 credits
The Cyber-Physical Systems combine cybernetic (computation and/or communication) and physical properties (motion or other physical processes). The application of such systems covers automotive, flight control and defense systems, critical infrastructure control (power grids, water resources, communication systems), energy management and storage, transportation control and safety, communication systems, robotics and distributed robotics (telemedicine), medical technologies, systems for assisted living, consumer electronics, toys and other smart devices. These devices interact in physical world through computer controlled algorithms. Design of the CPS control algorithms is a challenging discipline considering their tight coupling to physical systems behavior. An important design aspect to be considered is the correctness of the control algorithms itself, as the execution of critical control tasks depends on their correct function, as is the case in aircraft and/or car collision avoidance in automatic or autonomous modes, respectively. The aim of the course is to find an answer to an important social question, how to responsibly design critical Cyber-Physical Systems on whose flawless function depend human lives.
Course coordinator
Language of instruction
Time span
- 26 hrs lectures
- 12 hrs laboratories
- 14 hrs projects
Assessment points
- 68 pts final exam
- 12 pts seminars in computer labs
- 20 pts projects
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to stimulate an understanding of the design and analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), which integrate computer systems into physical processes. Simultaneously, the course also addresses the synthesis of highly reliable real-time systems. The design and programming of control systems in laboratory conditions is an integral part of the course.
A successful graduate will acquire the understanding of basic CPS principles and knowledge in the design and analysis of computer systems integrated into real physical processes. The acquired knowledge will allow for a qualified insight into the system abstraction and architecture, and will simultaneously support the mastering of model and control system designs while using adequate safety specifications to fulfill desired CPS performance targets. The acquired knowledge and skills will support verification of adequate CPS models while taking into account the expected effects of the environment on their function.
Study literature
- Platzer A.: Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems, Springer, 2018, ISBN13 (EAN): 9783319635873.
- Danda B. Rawat, Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Ivan Stojmenovic: Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice, CRC Press, 2015, ISBN 9781482263329.
Fundamental literature
Rajeev Alur: Principles of Cyber-Physical Systems, The MIT Press, 2015, ISBN-10: 0262029111.
Syllabus of lectures
- Introduction to Cyber-physical systems.
- System elements, architecture and process framework.
- Physical system models and importance of linear models.
- System identification and model parameter estimation.
- State estimation algorithms.
- Stability and control basics.
- Control in discrete time.
- Sensing, perception and actuation.
- Computational platforms.
- System integration.
- System verification.
- Cybersecurity aspects.
- Safety assessment of Cyber-Physical Systems.
Syllabus of laboratory exercises
- Introduction to Matlab/Simulink and simulation of dynamic systems.
- System identification, model parameter estimation.
- CPS control algorithm design and stability analysis of physical models.
- Sensors and sensor fusion for CPS design.
- Practical aspects of system integration.
- Cybersecurity and system verification aspects.
Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students
- Student will choose assignment from available projects.
- Student will design and implement solution of the CPS project.
- Student will create a technical report of his solution.
Progress assessment
- Laboratory activity assessment - 12 points.
- Completion of individually assigned project - 20 points.
- Final exam - 68 points.
Day | Type | Weeks | Room | Start | End | Capacity | Lect.grp | Groups | Info |
Fri | lecture | 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 11., 12., 13. of lectures | G202 | 12:00 | 13:50 | 80 | 1EIT 1MIT 2EIT 2MIT INTE | NCPS xx | Novák |
Fri | laboratory | 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 11., 12., 13. of lectures | N103 | 14:00 | 15:50 | 20 | 1EIT 1MIT 2EIT 2MIT INTE | xx | Novák |
Course inclusion in study plans
- Programme MIT-EN (in English), any year of study, Compulsory-Elective group B
- Programme MITAI, field NADE, NBIO, NEMB, NEMB, NGRI, NHPC, NIDE, NISD, NISY, NISY up to 2020/21, NMAL, NMAT, NNET, NSEC, NSEN, NSPE, NVER, NVIZ, any year of study, Elective
- Programme MITAI, field NCPS, any year of study, Compulsory