Field of Study Details

Bioinformatics and Biocomputing

Abbreviation: MBI

Length of Study: 2 years

Min. Credits: 120

Degree Programme: Information Technology

Language of Instruction: Czech

Form of Study: full-time

Accredited from: 2005 Accredited till: 2024 Last admissions: 2019


Students will get acquainted with the advanced algorithms for processing, analysis and presentation of biological data, in particular genomic and proteomic data. In addition to the use of the standard algorithms, students will be able to develop new algorithms in this area. Students will become familiar with the concepts of molecular genetics and with standard biological databases. Students will be able to communicate with biologists and work in multidisciplinary teams. The knowledge acquired by studying the biological systems will be used for understanding bio-inspired computing systems. Students will get acquainted with the principles of natural computing, in particular, with evolutionary design, evolvable systems, DNA computing, fuzzy computing, neural computing and unconventional computing. Students will be able to integrate the bio-inspired principles into existing systems in order to improve their efficiency.

Key learning outcomes

Student of the Follow-Up Master Degree Programme acquire deeper knowledge in a chosen branch of study and will give him knowledge and skills base to analyse, design and verification of problems solved in research and scientific as well as in the practice This guarantee that the alumni will be successful creative worker in the appropriate information technology branch.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

An alumnus of the master degree programme is ready to solve problems of information technology in praxis with utilization of contemporary scientific knowledge independently. The alumnus is able to act as an independent creative worker in the appropriate information technology branch, namely information systems and their security and safety, intelligent systems, computer systems, networks and communications, computer graphics and multimedia or a leader of a team composed of workers of various branches of IT.

Extent of the State Final Examinations

The State Final Examination has two parts: A defense of the Master Thesis, and a discussion based on selected topics from the topic "Bioinformatics and biocomputing which is derived from compulsory courses of the MBI Branch of Study as Bioinformatics, Bio-inspired Computers, Game Theory, Advanced Bioinformatics, Knowledge Discovery in Databases,  Biometrics Systems, Soft Computing, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science, Hardware/Software Codesign, Molecular Genetics, Advanced Database Systems and Parallel and Distributed Algorithms. The areas of possible questions must be approved by the Study Branch Council, and students will be informed about the selected topics at least 2 months before the state final examination is held in the particular academic year.

Examples of theses
  • Protein structures prediction
  • Microchip data analysis for gene expression detection
  • Molecular structures visualization
  • Hardware accelerated search in biological databases
  • Evolutionary classifier design for biological data
  • Hardware acceleration of evolutionary design
  • Symbolic regression for biological data analysis
  • System modelling using cellular automaton

Master's theses are stored at the FIT library, Božetěchova 2, Brno. The list of the master's theses, including the details is available at:

Choose academic year and curriculum

1st year of study, winter semester

BC_MOG1Molecular Genetics I3CExFCH
BIOBiometric Systems5CCr+ExFIT
MATMathematical Structures in Computer Science *)5CExFIT
PDBAdvanced Database Systems5CCr+ExFIT
TINTheoretical Computer Science7CCr+ExFIT

1st year of study, summer semester

BINBio-Inspired Computers5CExFIT
PRLParallel and Distributed Algorithms5CCr+ExFIT
PP1Project Practice 15EClCrFIT

2nd year of study, winter semester

PBIAdvanced Bioinformatics4CExFIT
SEPSemester Project5CClCrFIT
SFCSoft Computing5CCr+ExFIT
THEGame Theory5CCr+ExFIT
ZZNKnowledge Discovery in Databases5CCr+ExFIT
PP2Project Practice 25EClCrFIT

2nd year of study, summer semester

DIPMaster's Thesis13CCrFIT

all years of study, winter semester

HSCHardware/Software Codesign5CECCr+ExFIT
PCSAdvanced Digital Systems5CECExFIT
AEUEnglish for Europe3CEHCr+ExFIT
FCEEnglish: Practical Course of Business Conversation and Presentation3CEHCrFIT
FIKPhilosophy and the Culture2CEHCrCVP
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technology2CEHCrCVP
HKOCommunication and Presentation Skills3CEHCrFIT
HVRLeadership and Time Management3CEHCrFIT
JA3Conversation through Hot Current Issues3CEHCr+ExFIT
PRMFundamentals of Law2CEHCrCVP
AGSAgents and Multiagent Systems5CEIExFIT
SINIntelligent Systems5CEIExFIT
BISInformation System Security5CEOCr+ExFIT
ZPJaNatural Language Processing (in English)5CESExFIT
AISInformation Systems Analysis and Design5ECr+ExFIT
AVSComputation Systems Architectures5ECr+ExFIT
BMSWireless and Mobile Networks5ECr+ExFIT
EIPEconomics of Information Products *)5EExFIT
GALGraph Algorithms5EExFIT
GJAGraphical User Interfaces in Java5ECr+ExFIT
GMUGraphic and Multimedia Processors *)5ECr+ExFIT
GUXGraphical User Interfaces in X Window System *)5EExFIT
GZNGraphical and Sound Interfaces and Standards5EExFIT
PDIDistributed Application Environment5EExFIT
PGPaAdvanced Computer Graphics (in English)5EExFIT
PGRComputer Graphics5EExFIT
PKSaAdvanced Communication Systems5ECr+ExFIT
POVaComputer Vision (in English)5EExFIT
ROBaRobotics (in English)5EExFIT
SAVStatic Analysis and Verification5ECr+ExFIT
SEMSensors and Measurement5ECr+ExFIT
SRIStrategic Management of Information Systems5EExFIT
TAMaApplication Development for Mobile Devices (in English)5EClCrFIT
VINComputer Art5EClCrFIT
VYPaCompiler Construction (in English)5EExFIT
ZPXProfessional Practice, Abroad5ECrFIT

all years of study, summer semester

NAVDesign of Embedded Systems5CECExFIT
PDSData Communications, Computer Networks and Protocols5CECExFIT
PPPPractical Parallel Programming5CECCr+ExFIT
AEUEnglish for Europe3CEHCr+ExFIT
FIKPhilosophy and the Culture2CEHCrCVP
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technology2CEHCrCVP
HKOCommunication and Presentation Skills3CEHCrFIT
HVRLeadership and Time Management3CEHCrFIT
JA3Conversation through Hot Current Issues3CEHCr+ExFIT
PRMFundamentals of Law2CEHCrCVP
EVOApplied Evolutionary Algorithms5CEIExFIT
SNTSimulation Tools and Techniques5CEICr+ExFIT
NSBProjecting, Administration and Security5CEOCr+ExFIT
POSAdvanced Operating Systems5CEOExFIT
KKOData Coding and Compression5CESCr+ExFIT
ZRESpeech Signal Processing5CESExFIT
BZASecure Hardware Devices5EExFIT
CSOaCCNA Cybersecurity Operations (in English)5EClCrFIT
DFAaDigital Forensics (in English)5EExFIT
DJADynamic Languages *)5EExFIT
FLPFunctional and Logic Programming5ECr+ExFIT
FVSFunctional Verification of Digital Systems *)5EExFIT
FYOPhysical Optics5EExFIT
GISGeographical Information Systems *)5ECr+ExFIT
MBAModel-Based Analysis5EExFIT
MPA-SYSSystems Biology5ECr+ExFEKT
MPC-MATMatrices and Tensors Calculus5ECr+ExFEKT
MPRProject Management5ECr+ExFIT
PISAdvanced Information Systems5ECr+ExFIT
PMAProject Manager5EClCrFIT
RTSaReal-Time Systems (in English)5EExFIT
SLOaComplexity (in English)5EExFIT
SPPFault Tolerant Systems5ECr+ExFIT
UXIaUser Experience and Design of User Interfaces and Services (in English)5EClCrFIT
VGEComputational Geometry5EExFIT
VIZaVisualization and CAD (in English)5EClCrFIT
VNVHigh Performance Computations5EExFIT
VYFComputational Photography5EClCrFIT
WAPInternet Applications5ECr+ExFIT
ZPOImage Processing5EExFIT
ZPXProfessional Practice, Abroad5ECrFIT
Course is not open in this academic year
Compl: Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
Duty: C - compulsory, CEx - compulsory-elective group x, R - recommended, E - elective

Compulsory-elective groups

AbbrvMin. coursesMax. coursesMin.credOver asCoursesTitle
C190EHSC, NAV, PCS, PDS, PPPHardware and Networks
H113EAEU, FCE, FIK, FIT, HKO, HVR, JA3, PRM, RETSocial Course
I190EAGS, EVO, SIN, SNTModern Artificial Intelligence
O190EBIS, KRY, NSB, POSOperating Systems and Security
S190EKKO, ZPJa, ZREData and Signal Processing
If you are allowed to enroll more CE courses than the required minimum, then successfully completed courses that exceed Min. courses (or Min.cred, if not 0) of the CE group, will be assigned as courses of duty Over as.
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