Field of Study Details

Information Technology

Abbreviation: BIT

Length of Study: 3 years

Min. Credits: 180

Degree Programme: Information Technology

Language of Instruction: Czech

Form of Study: full-time

Accredited from: Accredited till: 2011 Last admissions: 2019


Aims of the Information Technology branch of study are the same as presented at a study program card.

Extent of the State Final Examinations

The State Final Examination has two parts: A defence of the Bachelor Thesis, and an oral colloquium. This oral colloquium is based on compulsory courses matter as mathematical courses are, courses concerning the theory of software design and design of computer systems.

Examples of theses

Bachelor's theses are stored at the FIT library, Božetěchova 2, Brno. The list of the bachelor's theses, including the details is available at:

Choose academic year and curriculum

1st year of study, winter semester

IASAssembly Languages6CCr+ExFIT
IDADiscrete Mathematics7CExFIT
ITOCircuit Theory6CExFIT
IUSIntroduction to Software Engineering5CCr+ExFIT
IZPIntroduction to Programming Systems7CCr+ExFIT
AH0English: Beginners 1/20ECrFIT
IFSSeminar of Physics2ECrFIT
ISMSeminar of Mathematics2ECrFIT

1st year of study, summer semester

IMAMathematical Analysis5CExFIT
INCDigital Systems Design5CCr+ExFIT
IOSOperating Systems5CCr+ExFIT
IPRComputer Hardware6CExFIT
BAN1Headway Pre-Intermediate 13CECr+ExFIT
BAN2Headway Pre-Intermediate 23CECr+ExFIT
BAN3New Headway Intermediate 13CECr+ExFIT
BAN4New Headway Intermediate 23CECr+ExFIT
AH0English: Beginners 2/20ECrFIT
IJCThe C Programming Language5EExFIT
IVSPractical Aspects of Software Design5EClCrFIT

2nd year of study, winter semester

IFJFormal Languages and Compilers5CCr+ExFIT
INMNumerical Methods and Probability5CCr+ExFIT
INPDesign of Computer Systems5CCr+ExFIT
ISSSignals and Systems6CExFIT
BAN2Headway Pre-Intermediate 23CECr+ExFIT
BAN3New Headway Intermediate 13CECr+ExFIT
BAN4New Headway Intermediate 23CECr+ExFIT
AH0English: Beginners 1/20ECrFIT
IW1Microsoft Windows Desktop Systems5ECr+ExFIT

2nd year of study, summer semester

IDSDatabase Systems5CCr+ExFIT
IPKComputer Communications and Networks5CCr+ExFIT
IPPPrinciples of Programming Languages5CCr+ExFIT
IZGComputer Graphics Principles6CCr+ExFIT
IZUFundamentals of Artificial Intelligence4CCr+ExFIT
BAN2Headway Pre-Intermediate 23CECr+ExFIT
BAN3New Headway Intermediate 13CECr+ExFIT
BAN4New Headway Intermediate 23CECr+ExFIT
ICPThe C++ Programming Language4CECrFIT
IJAJava Programming Language4CECrFIT
AH0English: Beginners 2/20ECrFIT
I1CNetwork Cabling and Routing (CCNA1+CCNA2)4EClCrFIT
IW2Microsoft Windows Server Systems5ECr+ExFIT

3rd year of study, winter semester

IISInformation Systems4CCr+ExFIT
IMPMicroprocessors and Embedded Systems6CCr+ExFIT
IMSModelling and Simulation5CCr+ExFIT
IPZPeripheral Devices4CExFIT
ISANetwork Applications and Network Administration5CCr+ExFIT
ISPTerm Project2CCrFIT
ITUUser Interface Programming4CClCrFIT
I2CLAN Switching, Accessing the WAN (CCNA3+4)4EClCrFIT
IW3Microsoft Windows Network Technologies5EExFIT

3rd year of study, summer semester

IBPBachelor's Thesis9CCrFIT
IMUMultimedia Transmission over IP Networks4EClCrFIT
IW4Microsoft Enterprise Solutions5EExFIT
IW5Programming .NET and C#5EClCrFIT
Course is not open in this academic year
Compl: Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
Duty: C - compulsory, CEx - compulsory-elective group x, R - recommended, E - elective
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