Field of Study Details

Information Systems

Abbreviation: MIS

Length of Study: 2 years

Min. Credits: 120

Degree Programme: Information Technology

Language of Instruction: Czech

Form of Study: full-time

Accredited from: Accredited till: 2015 Last admissions: 2019


To make students familiar with theory, technologies and procedures used in information system development, and to learn them to develop such systems applying advanced development tools and technologies. In compulsory courses, students deepen their knowledge received in a Bachelor Study Program mainly in database and information systems, operating systems, computer networks, and computer graphics. Attention is also paid to information systems security. Selecting optional courses, the student can deepen his/her theoretical knowledge in such areas as formal specification or cryptography or can prefer more practically-oriented courses as Internet and distributed application development.

Extent of the State Final Examinations

The State Final Examination has two parts: A defence of the Master Thesis, and a discussion based on selected topics from the course "Information Systems" which is derived from compulsory courses of the MIS Branch of Study as Hardware/Software Codesign, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Advanced Database Systems, Computer Graphics, Intelligent Systems, Theoretical Computer Science, Data Communications, Computer Networks and Protocols, Advanced Operating Systems, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Information Systems Analysis and Design, Information System Security and Advanced Information Systems. The areas of possible questions must be approved by the Study Branch Council, and students will be informed about the selected topics at least 2 months before the state final examination is held in the particular academic year. The discussion will be held on two topics.

Examples of theses

Master's theses are stored at the FIT library, Božetěchova 2, Brno. The list of the master's theses, including the details is available at:

Choose academic year and curriculum

1st year of study, winter semester

MATMathematical Structures in Computer Science5CExFIT
PDBAdvanced Database Systems5CCr+ExFIT
TINTheoretical Computer Science5CCr+ExFIT
PGRComputer Graphics5EExFIT
STITheoretical Computer Science Seminar2ECrFIT

1st year of study, summer semester

FLPFunctional and Logic Programming5CCr+ExFIT
MPRProject Management5CCr+ExFIT
PDSData Communications, Computer Networks and Protocols5CExFIT
POSAdvanced Operating Systems5CExFIT
PRLParallel and Distributed Algorithms5CCr+ExFIT

2nd year of study, winter semester

AISInformation Systems Analysis and Design5CCr+ExFIT
SEPTerm Project5CClCrFIT
PDIDistributed Application Environment5CEExFIT
PKSAdvanced Communication Systems5CECr+ExFIT
SRIStrategic Management of Information Systems5CEExFIT
ZZNKnowledge Discovery in Databases5CECr+ExFIT
POVComputer Vision5EExFIT
ROSReal-Time Operating Systems5EExFIT

2nd year of study, summer semester

DIPMaster's Project13CCrFIT
PISAdvanced Information Systems5CCr+ExFIT
NSBProjecting, Administration and Security5CECr+ExFIT
Course is not open in this academic year
Compl: Course completion: Ex - examination, Cr - credit, ClCr - classified credit, Co - colloquium
Duty: C - compulsory, CEx - compulsory-elective group x, R - recommended, E - elective
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