Thesis Details

Návrh binárních amplitudových hologramů pro optické generování ultrazvuku akcelerovaný pomocí GPU

Bachelor's Thesis Student: Knotek Martin Academic Year: 2015/2016 Supervisor: Jaroš Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
English title
GPU-Accelerated Design of Optically Generated Ultrasound Using Binary Amplitude Holograms

In this thesis, we deal with the possibilities of the acceleration of scientific computations using the graphical processing unit. The term scientific computation in this context means an algorithm, which computes binary holograms that are used to generate ultrasound. We will concentrate specifically on the design of the hologram, focusing at the speed we can achieve when computing the surface of the hologram. For this purpose, we will use two popular parallel data processing platforms - CUDA and OpenMP. The surface design pattern of the hologram is important due to the fact, that it determines the hologram’s specific physical characteristics.


GPGPU, CUDA, OpenMP, high performance computing, parallel computing, ultrasound

Degree Programme
Information Technology
defended, grade C
13 June 2016
Zbořil František, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT), předseda
Burget Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCGM FIT BUT), člen
Křivka Zbyněk, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT), člen
Rozman Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT), člen
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KNOTEK, Martin. Návrh binárních amplitudových hologramů pro optické generování ultrazvuku akcelerovaný pomocí GPU. Brno, 2016. Bachelor's Thesis. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology. 2016-06-13. Supervised by Jaroš Jiří. Available from:
    author = "Martin Knotek",
    type = "Bachelor's thesis",
    title = "N\'{a}vrh bin\'{a}rn\'{i}ch amplitudov\'{y}ch hologram\r{u} pro optick\'{e} generov\'{a}n\'{i} ultrazvuku akcelerovan\'{y} pomoc\'{i} GPU",
    school = "Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology",
    year = 2016,
    location = "Brno, CZ",
    language = "czech",
    url = ""
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