Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Acad. year 2023/2024Full-Time 2 Years Title Awarded Ing.
Computer graphics and multimedia teach you to process data from cameras and microphones, extract information from video and audio recordings, or design user interfaces. As part of your studies, you will experiment in labs with computers, robotic sensors, flight simulators, etc. When you graduate, you'll have no shortage of work. You will be able to develop computer vision methods, speech and natural language processing, program graphics in the gaming industry or user interfaces.
1st Year
They will pass on all their knowledge and hold you in difficult moments
Prof. Dr. Ing.
Zemčík Pavel
Teaches Multimedia, Image Processing, Advanced Computer Graphics and Computer Vision. These are subjects that are useful to students in practice. If necessary, he will be happy to advise students on study, as well as research on image and video.
Doc. Ing.
Beran Vítězslav
Teaches User Interface Programming and lectures selected topics in the areas of image processing, video and depth data and UX/GUI design. Furthermore, it deals with the area of Natural User Interfaces, especially in Human-Robot Interaction. He plays drums in his rock band.
Prof. Dr. Ing.
Černocký Jan
He teaches Signals and Systems, mostly a hated object full of complex numbers, convolutions, and other disgusts. Only later will the students appreciate that they will be useful in their life in the processing of sound, video, but also sensory or large-scale data. He like to advise thoughtful students with many projects including Erasmus+.
Prof. Ing.
Herout Adam
Prof. Adam Herout teaches and performs research in computer vision and machine learning. He is also interested in user interfaces, especially for mobile devices. He loves innovative applications - their complex backends with computer vision and machine learning algorithms and their smooth and beautiful frontends lovable by users.
What are we talking about?
The technology developed at FIT BUT within the TENACITy (Travel Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism) project helps security forces in the European Union to securely transfer information about passengers travelling through international airports. …
Voice deepfakes can't be detected by humans or security systems. Attacks on the rise
Spreading alarm messages or disclosing confidential company or bank data. Artificial intelligence is developing rapidly and almost anyone can create deepfake voice recordings at home and in high quality. …