This is for Czech studies only. For full English programmes visit  Study in English

Bakalářské studium

  • 1909

    applicants in 2023

  • 792

    enrolled students


Important dates

Předchozí Následující

You do not need to do SCIO tests for example when…

  • you achieved a percentile of 97 or more in a standardized IQ test performed by Mensa.

  • you have reached a percentile of 80 or more for a math school-leaving exam.

  • you are among the 10 % best competitors in the 2nd (usually regional) or higher round of national or international competition in mathematics, physics or information technology for secondary education students, where the number of participants was not less than 100 and the round of the competition must have been in person.

  • you placed on the 1st to 3rd in the regional round of High-school Vocational Activity competition organized by Ministry of Education Youth and Sports (MEYS) or High-school Vocational Activity competition organized by Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (MESRS SR).

Other rules for preferential admission

  • Applicant has scored 60th percentile or higher in mathematical examination (Mathematics+) organized by MEYS.

  • Applicant has passed the regional round of Mathematical Olympiad organized by MEYS in categories A, B, C or P.

  • Applicant has passed the regional round of Mathematical Olympiad organized by MESRS SR in categories A, B or C.

  • Applicant has passed the regional round of Physics Olympiad organized by MEYS or Physics Olympiad organized by MESRS SR in categories A, B, C or D.

  • Applicant has placed 1st through 3rd in the regional round of Logic Olympiad organized by Mensa Czech Republic in category C.

  • Applicant has passed the regional round of Olympiad of Informatics organized by MESRS SR in categories A or B.

  • Applicant has passed the national round of Mathematical Kangaroo in the Student category, or has scored 80th percentile or higher within their country.

  • Applicant has placed 1st through 10th in the regional round of ZENIT in programming competition in category A, B or WebDeveloper, or in electronics in category A or B organized by CVTI SR – SVS BB.

  • Applicant has placed 1st through 20th in the Beaver of Informatics competition in the central round in the Senior category.

  • Candidate achieved a percentile higher than 90 in the iBobor competition in the Senior category.

  • Applicant has placed 1st through 10th in the regional round of programming competition in category Programming languages youth, Programming youth, Web programming or Microcontroller programming organized by MEYS.

  • The applicant has participated in the third (final) round of the cyber security competition organized by AFCEA and was awarded at least 20 % of the points.

  • Applicant has placed 1st through 3rd in technically oriented competition (co-)organized or guaranteed by BUT FIT, FEEC or FME. E.g. Merkur perFEKT Challenge, Energy Olympiad or Robots@FSI.

  • The results of international examination SAT in Mathematics is at least 545 points or SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1 is at least 665 points or SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2 is at least 745 points.

  • Applicant has achieved results 4 or 5 in the Advanced Placement (AP) examination from Mathematics (Calculus, Statistics), Physics or Information technology (Computer Science).

  • Applicant has passed The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (A-levels) examination in Computer Science, Information Technology, Mathematics or Physics with result of A* or A.

  • Applicant successfully presented a solution to a High-school Vocational Activity organized by MEYS or a High-school Vocational Activity organized by MESRS SR topic under the supervision of a BUT FIT employee or a BUT FEKT employee.

  • Applicant has placed 1st through 3rd in the Best student competition or Student of the Year poll on the regional or national level.

  • Applicant has completed courses included in the bachelor‘s programme within the FIT BUT Lifelong Learning programme which can be recognized (worth at least 36 credits) once the applicant is admitted. Up to 18 credits can be earned for courses currently studied within the FIT BUT Lifelong Learning programme.

  • Applicant has achieved at least 45 credits within previous study at a technical university. Once the applicant has enrolled in study at BUT FIT, the credits achieved will be recognized for this study.

If you have satisfied either of the above conditions for preferential admission…

let us know in paper form by 31 March (the respective document is included in the e-application). If you do not yet know the results, for example results of the school leaving examination that you’re yet to take, you can submit the application at a later date – without unnecessary delay by 31 May.

  • If you’ve completed the IQ test in Czech or Slovak republic and consent to the Mensa company providing us with your results, let us know your IQ, the place and date of the test, or a notification of the result or a scanned certificate. In other cases provide us the original or officially certified copy of the Mensa IQ test result (keep in mind that a mere notification of the result without the original signature is not a certificate).
  • Percentile scored in the mathematical part of school leaving examination or in the Mathematics+ examination needs to be confirmed by the issuing school.
  • Documents that can be verified online (e.g. the results of the competition published on the organizer's website) can be attached to the e-application. Other documents must subsequently be accompanied by a copy - officially verified or confirmed from high school or the competition organizer.

The application shall be upheld if either of these conditions are fulfilled and proved by document, unless the degree programme capacity would be exceeded. In such case, the deciding factor is the application submission date.

A document proving that you've fulfilled the either of the conditions for preferential admission can only be used once per condition.


If you wish to study at FIT, but you did not satisfy any of the conditions for preferential admission, sign up for the National Comparative Examination SCIO – either of the OSP, MAT or VŠP test. You can take the test as many times as you need, we will only take into account the best result.

If you have submitted an application and paid the fee in time (by 31 March), FIT will allow you to take the NCE once free of charge – on 1 May 2024. Simply pick a place and SCIO will generate a voucher and send it to you.

Be sure to give your consent to hand over your result to FIT BUT – that is how we find out what percentile you’ve scored. The tests are carried out in compliance with the rules set by the SCIO company, the admission threshold is set by the Dean pursuant to the proposal of admission board, within three working days of receiving the results of all national comparative tests.

NSZ tests from previous years

Apply online

from 1 January 2024
to 31 March 2024


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