Academic Senate
The Academic Senate of the faculty is a self-governing representative academic body. According to § 27 of the Higher Education Act:
- decides on the establishment, merger, division or cancellation of faculty departments,
- approves the internal regulations of the faculty,
- approves the allocation of funds of the Faculty and controls their use,
- approves the Annual Activity Report and the Annual Report on the Faculty's Management,
- approves the conditions for admission to study in study programs carried out at the faculty,
- gives the Dean the consent to appoint and dismiss the members of the Scientific Council of the Faculty and the members of the Disciplinary Board of the Faculty,
- decides on a proposal to appoint a dean, or proposes to dismiss him / her, approves the strategic intent of the educational and creative activities of the faculty,
- expresses its views on the draft study programs carried out at the faculty, expresses the Dean's intention to appoint or recall Vice-Chairs.
The FIT Academic Senate is a bicameral. Members of the Academic Senate are elected by the academic community of the faculty. The Chamber of Academic Staff has 8 members, the student chamber of 5 members. The Academic Senate is elected for a three-year period.
- Elections to AS BUT
- Meetings
- Minutes of the Meetings
- Members
- Committees
- Elections
- Rules of Procedure
- Electoral Code
Akademický senát FIT
Božetěchova 2/1
612 00 Brno