Category: news
Day: 3 May 2021
Booster-Challenge@FIT awarded prizes to promising student start-up projects
The Faculty of Information Technology expressed its support for the best business ideas which succeeded in the Booster-Challenge@FIT competition by awarding them with a total of 140 thousand Czech crowns. The committee, which evaluated the start-up projects mainly in terms of the uniqueness of the solution, business potential and social benefit, awarded prizes to three teams. The prize was awarded to four FIT students who created the Discyo app. Their app can give the user advice on what film to watch, what podcast to listen to or what videogame to play. The algorithm can recognise the user's preferences and what he or she might like across various media (this app has already succeeded in the BUT Student Entrepreneurial Spirit Award competition; you can read more about it HERE). The committee also awarded a prize to a project of the team led by Jan Polišenský, who works on a learning portal intended to prepare prospective students for the medical school entrance examination. The server contains a huge database of test questions focusing on biology, chemistry and physics which cover the knowledge necessary to pass the entrance examination and offer personalized mock tests. The third laureate is Adam Ferencz. His project titled "Learning Triangle" is a platform providing peer tutoring with professional mentors. The competition is a part of the Star(t)up@FIT programme, which now supports further development of the awarded projects.