Press Release
Day: 18 November 2019
Ralph Ford received an honorary doctorate of BUT. Has been co-operating with FIT for 20 years
In the 120 years of history of Brno University of Technology, only 69 persons received the honorary degree of doctor honoris causa (dr. h. c.). These include, for example, Tomáš G. Masaryk, Nikola Tesla, Tomáš Baťa and Eva Jiřičná. As of yesterday, this list also includes Ralph Ford, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology and Chancellor and Dean of the University of Pen State Behrand, Pennsylvania. A nomination for the award of the doctorate was submitted by the Faculty of Information Technology, which has been closely co-operating with Ford for twenty years.
Ralph Ford authored over 40 publications and he is Dean and Chancellor of Pen State Behrand, distinguished scientist and now also a holder of the honorary degree of doctor honoris causa awarded by BUT. He received the degree during the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Board of BUT. He has been co-operating with BUT, specifically with the Faculty of Information Technology, for over 20 years.
"All this began in the 1990s when Otto Fučík from FIT came to work with us at Penn State Behrand," recalls Ralph Ford. They soon became co-workers and good friends and began working on new classroom curricula, technologies and even the establishment of a new company. "I started to associate a number of qualities with Czech people - they are extremely intelligent, curious and innovative people who are interested in moving the world around them forward. When my wife and I visited the Czech Republic in 2000, we confirmed our admiration for the Czech people and culture," said Ralph Ford.
In 2005, he received a prestigious Fulbright scholarship, which allowed him to return to Brno and work at the Faculty of Information Technology. "It was a very productive period for me. I managed to complete my first book and was appointed professor. We also deepened the co-operation with my home university, which led to many academic and student exchange stays and successful research projects," he recalls.
After his return, he became the Director of the School of Engineering and held this office for ten years. During this time, the university became one of the top 50 faculties according to the ranking published by U.S. News & World Report, the number of study applications increased significantly, and new programmes and research centres were opened. In 2013, Ralph Ford was appointed Vice-Dean for Industry and External Relations. He created a new model of co-operation between industry and the university, in which he harmonised the needs of the academic staff, students and companies in the area of applied research, advanced development as well as experience-based learning. He is the man behind the origin of the "open laboratory" and the partnership with Knowledge Park - a technology incubator which connects innovator companies, students and academia. Today, the incubator includes almost 20 companies employing more than 500 people. In 2016, he was appointed Chancellor of Penn State Behrand.
"I have always believed in the power of education and critical thinking. Although it may often seem, based on news reports and political proclamations, that our world is falling apart, the opposite is true. Humanity progresses in almost all areas, there are fewer diseases, famine and wars. This is a result of the expansion of knowledge, critical thinking and scientific methods. The aim of universities should be to support and share this development," says Ralph Ford and adds that he is very honoured by the award.
"I don't take it lightly. Receiving this award, I would like to promise to continue promoting the ideals of university education and strive for deepening of the relationships between our universities," he concludes.
The honorary degree of doctor honoris causa is awarded at BUT to both Czech and foreign personalities who have substantially contributed to the development in an area that stands in the focus of the university's long-term efforts. Decisions on awarding these degrees are made by the Scientific Board of BUT; nominations are submitted by the Rector, the Scientific or Artistic Boards of university institutes, or members and permanent guests of the Scientific Board. Together with Ralph Ford, Professor Ulrike Diebold of TU Wien also received the honorary doctorate (based on a nomination submitted by CEITEC).
Author: Kozubová Hana, Mgr.
Last modified: 2020-04-27 16:37:22