
Day: 8 July 2021

Overloaded emergency lines? AI will help.

Czech scientists, including researchers from the Faculty of Information Technology, are developing a voice bot which should be activated in case emergency lines become extremely overloaded. Voice bots should be able to increase capacities in case of a huge number of telephone calls to emergency control centres and thus may prove beneficial during serious natural disasters. The voice bot is developed by a team of 38 experts from various institutions: FIT BUT, IT4Innovations, Faculty of Safety Engineering, VSB-TUO and three companies - Phonexia, BornDigital and SpeechTech which focus on text analysis and speech recognition and synthesis. The first prototype able to manage telephone calls regarding fire will be ready during the holidays. The project team will then work on its usability for other types of emergencies. The project should be finished in the second half of 2022. More information to be found in the press release of the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre which is a project coordinator together with VSB-TUO.

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