Day: 26 March 2024
Trucks and buses will be equipped with nanoradars and sensors to increase safety. FIT BUT participates in their development
Truck drivers have a poor view of their immediate surroundings - blind spots cover not only the area in front of and behind the truck, but also the sides. So from July 2024, European Commission regulations require trucks and buses to have safety sensors that can detect motorcyclists, cyclists or other vulnerable road users. This will be ensured by innovative laser sensors and nano-radars, on which experts from FIT BUT have collaborated.
A child hiding behind the back of a vehicle or a cyclist riding next to a turning truck - new lidar sensor and nano-radar technologies can help drivers detect these dangerous situations. Within the framework of two projects of the TACR, experts from FIT BUT developed them together with the company Valeo, which specialises in research, development and production of assistance systems and systems for autonomous driving.
More in this article.