
On the way to sustainable agriculture of the future, science and AI meet art in the Hungry Ecocities project, coordinated by FIT BUT

Food and the ways in which we obtain it can seem like an utterly mundane matter, associated with necessity rather than creativity. For many people on the planet, regular access to food is not a given, and for those who have it, it is associated with mundanity. In a world that is facing ever new challenges in the context of climate change and the rapid transformation of the landscape, particularly ever accelerating urbanisation, we need to find ways to feed a growing population. It is time to think differently about agriculture and to take new approaches. Bringing together seemingly disparate fields such as science, AI, modern technology and art to find solutions for a sustainable agriculture of the future is the main idea behind the Hungry Ecocities project, coordinated by Associate Professor Smrž from FIT BUT.

The project started in 2022 and consists of a consortium of eight research institutes. "Digital technologies and applications can lead to a reduction in food waste and to more sustainable values, an ecological approach and more ethical food consumption. In addition to universities, the project involves a number of leading European agricultural companies with the aim of developing a healthier, more sustainable and affordable agricultural or food system for all," said Associate Professor Smrž from FIT BUT in the project abstract.

More in this article.


She was discouraged from studying computer science, but today she is gaining success in the field of quantum circuit simulation

First place in the 8 z VUT competition, inclusion of the bachelor thesis in the programme of a prestigious international informatics conference. These are just some of the successes celebrated by Sára Jobranová, a student of the Master's programme Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Information Technology BUT. Her research focused on quantum circuit simulation and thanks to her innovative tool, she managed to outperform competing simulators in speed. At the same time, her surroundings discouraged her from studying computer science.

A talented young computer scientist Sára Jobranová was discouraged from studying computer science a few years ago. "It was a bit of a coincidence that I ended up at FIT BUT. I was studying general high school, I was good at maths, so I knew I wanted to study something more technical. But I applied for computer science just for the exam. There were quite a lot of people around me who discouraged me," recalls Sára Jobranová, adding: "So I entered the faculty with the idea that I would be happy to do the first semester and then we would see."

Not only did Sára Jobranová complete her first semester without any problems. She also successfully completed all the others and computer science took her by heart. "I found that even though it wasn't a very well thought out decision in the beginning, it was a good one in the end," she notes. More in the article.


Information on teaching in connection with the flood situation

The Faculty of Information Technology at Brno University of Technology will start the academic year as originally planned, i.e. on Monday 16 September 2024. The faculty campus is located outside the areas of Brno that are currently affected by the flood. Classes will be held in full from the first day of the semester.

However, due to the extraordinary flood situation in the Czech Republic, absences will be excused during the week of 16-20 September for students who will not be able to attend compulsory classes due to the floods. If the situation permits, students should enter their request in the BUT IS under the module Administrative procedures and application - requests for registration of obstacles to study. Apologies will be made according to your home address, so unless you are volunteering to help out, there is no need to provide any supporting documents. To speed up the processing of the application you can add a web link describing the situation in the locality. Any substitutions for excused lessons will then be dealt with on an individual basis.

We are continuing to monitor the situation. Keep up-to-date on faculty communication channels, especially web and email. We wish you all much strength and safe handling of the situation for you and your loved ones.

FIT researchers help find criminals and terrorists with newly developed technology

FIT resThe technology developed at FIT BUT within the TENACITy (Travel Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism) project helps security forces in the European Union to securely transfer information about passengers travelling through international airports. It aims to connect researchers, companies and security forces across Europe to create a platform that can search for suspicious passengers based on their travel patterns or reverse movement trajectories. Experts from the NES@FIT and Security@FIT research groups are collaborating on the project.


A public professorial lecture by Associate Professor Jiří Jaroš will take place on Friday 3 May

We cordially invite you to a public professorial lecture: High Performance Computing in Personalized Ultrasound Medicine. It will take place on Friday, May 3, at 11 a.m. in lecture room E 104 and is part of the professorial proceedings.

This lecture will take you on an engaging journey from humble beginnings, a simple MATLAB code snippet simulating a 1D acoustic pulse propagation through an infinite, homogeneous, lossless medium, to the heights of sophistication with a comprehensive software package which performs complex ultrasound treatment planning calculations for personalized transcranial neurostimulation and photoacoustic breast imaging, harnessing the power of high-performance computing centers and cloud environments.

More about Jiri Jaros and his professorial lecture here.



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