Course details

History of Design 1 - summer

DEDE1-L FaVU DEDE1-L Acad. year 2017/2018 Summer semester 3 credits

Current academic year

The history of graphic and industrial design and their formation after the World War II. The prototype of designer activities in traditional disciplines of handmade work and applied arts. The birth of the designer´s profession in the first period of the industrial revolution and its further transformations.


Language of instruction




Time span

  • 26 hrs lectures



Subject specific learning outcomes and competences

The history of graphic and industrial design and their formation after the World War II.

Learning objectives

To obtain historic-theoretical background which can be used during the solution of practical tasks.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills


Fundamental literature

  • Kolesár, Z.: Kapitoly z dějin designu
  • Meggs, P.B.: Meggs' History of Graphic Design
  • Sparke, P.: Století designu

Syllabus of lectures

1. Typografické experimenty od konce 19. století po 1. svitovou válku (Mallarmé, Apollinaire, futurizmus, dadaizmus).
2. Eeský kubizmus v užitém uminí
3.-4. Bauhaus .
5. Ruská avantgarda.
6. Moderna v Holandsku.
7. Moderna v Eechách a ve stoední Evropi.
8. -9. Art déco.
10. - 11. Meziváleený design v USA.
12. Závěrečná rekapitulace

Progress assessment

Exam conditions: Identification and interpretation of selected examples from the history of design according to projected transparencies (5 sets of transparencies) - in writing together with a talk.

Teaching methods and criteria

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations..

Controlled instruction

Lectures are optional.

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme IT-BC-3, field BIT, 1st year of study, Elective
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