prof. RNDr.

Josef Šlapal



+420 54114 2729
1671/BUT personal ID


Education and academic qualification

  • 1971-75 attending the Elektrotechnical High School in Brno
  • 1975-80 study at Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Sciences (M.A. in pure mathematics)
  • 1982 rigorous examination in functional analysis - the degree RNDr.
  • 1989-92 postgraduate study at Masaryk University in Brno, the degree CSc. (=PhD.) in algebra and number theory
  • 1994 habilitation in mathematics at Masaryk University in Brno
  • 2000 profesor in applied mathematics at the Brno University of Technology

Career overview

  • 1981-86 Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Ostrava
  • 1986-91 Research-Technical Specialist at Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Brno
  • 1991-94 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Brno
  • 1994-00 Associate Professor at the Brno University of Technology, Dpt. of Mathematics
  • 2000- Profesor in applied mathematics at the Brno University of Technology

Pedagogic activities

  • Master study programme Mathematical Engineering at FME: Discrete Mathematics Methods, Graphs and Algorithms, Mathematical Logic, Mathematical Structures
  • Master study programmes at FIT: Mathematical Structures in Informatics
  • PhD study at FIT: Category Theory, Modern Mathematical Methods in Informatics
  • Annual lectures on Universal Algebra, Category Theory and Topology in the framework of the Erasmus Programme at universities in abroad (Universität Potsdam, Technische Universität Wien, LAquila University)
  • Supervisor of PhD students in the study programme Mathematical Engineering - 4 students have already graduated
  • The responsible person for realizing the Double Diploma Program in "Mathematical Modelling in Engineering" with L'Aquila University 
  • The responsible person for realizing the study program mathematical Engineering at FME BUT (both Bachelor's and Master's program)

Scientific activities

  • General Algebra - cartesian closedness in categories of relational and algebraic structures
  • Categorical Topology - closure operators and convergence structures on categories
  • Digital Topology - structuring the digital plane by using closure operators
  • Research supported by grants from GA CR and from Ministry of Education of CR
  • Results annually published in international journals and presented at international conferences
  • H-index 12

Academic internships abroad

  • 1995-96 six months at Freie Universität Berlin
  • 1999 one month at Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2001 four months at University of Pittsburgh
  • 2003 six months at L'Aquila University
  • 2003-04 two one-month stays at University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok
  • 2008-11 two one-month stays at Chiang Mai University (Thailand)
  • 2009 one month at University of Stellenbosch (South Africa)

University activities

  • 1990-96 member of the Academic Senate of FME
  • 2003- member of PhD study branch councils at FME and FIT
  • 2007- member of PhD study branch councils at FS UP Olomouc
  • 2008- member of the Scientific Board of FIT VUT Brno
  • 2008-12 member of the Scientific Board of FBM VUT Brno
  • 2009- member of the Scientific Board of FS UP Olomouc

Non-University activities

  • Member (and in 2008-11 the Head) of the Advisory Committee of Summer Conferences on Topology nd Applications.
  • Head of the organizing committee of the "24th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications", Brno, July 14-17, 2009.
  • Head of the organizing committee of the "16th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA)", Brno, May 28-30, 2014.
  • Member of Steering Committees of the conferences  IWCIA.
  • Founder and Editor in Chief of the scientific journal Mathematics for Applications.

Prizing by scientific community

  • 1995 grant from the German Academy of Sciences
  • 1999 support from DAAD (Germany)
  • 2001 Dr. Jiri Nehnevajsa Memorial Award received (USA)
  • 2003 Outreach Fellowship from NATO (Italy)
  • 2009 NRF-ASCR Fellowship (South Africa) 
  • 1995- invited lectures at universities in abroad (Potsdam, Berlin, Darmstadt, Pittsburgh, New York, Slippery Rock, L'Aquila, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Auckland, etc.)


  • GACR 201/95/0468 General algebraic and topological systems
  • PG98006 (Czech Min. of Education) Dissemination of scientific results
  • GACR 201/00/1466 Continuous and set-theoretic methods in topological and algebraic structures
  • GACR 201/03/0933 Set-theoretic and categorical methods in topological and algebraic structures
  • MSM 260000013 Automatization of technologies and production processes
  • MSM 0021630518 Simulation modelling of mechatronic systems
  • Erasmus IP Project "Mathematical Modelling in Life and Social Sciences"
  • AV CR - NRF (South Africa) Mobility Grant "Compactness and connectedness in categorical topology"
  • OPVK 2.3 A-Math-Net: Transfer of knowledge in applied mathematics

Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within SCOPUS


Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge


Sum of other citations (without self-citations)


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