Product Details

Stacionární multimodální biometrické zařízení pro verifikaci identity osob na základě otisků prstů a obličeje při překračování státních hranic

Created: 2022

English title
Stationary multimodal biometric device for verifying the identity of persons based on fingerprints and face when crossing state borders
functional specimen
not public

biometrics; fingerprint; face; biometric passport; verifications; recognition; device; multimodal; stationary


A functional sample of a stationary multimodal biometric device for verifying the identity of persons based on fingerprints and face when crossing state borders is prepared in a standardized housing, which is commonly used by TBS for other devices (e.g. 3D AIR). The device consists of a camera with lens (liquid lens), an illumination module in the infrared spectrum, an infrared filter, a display, a data processing unit and other additional sensors and hardware components. The device runs TBS software, and the recognition algorithms are based on an external industrial solution. The device enable to capture and compare fingerprints and face.


Touchless Biometric Systems s.r.o., Palackého třída 44, 61200, Brno, Czech Republic


The owner of the license requests a license fee.

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