Publication Details

Fundamentally different repetitive element composition of sex chromosomes in Rumex acetosa

JESIONEK Wojciech, BODLÁKOVÁ Markéta, KUBÁT Zdeněk, ČEGAN Radim, VYSKOT Boris, VRÁNA Jan, ŠAFÁŘ Jan, PUTEROVÁ Janka and HOBZA Roman. Fundamentally different repetitive element composition of sex chromosomes in Rumex acetosa. Annals of Botany, vol. 127, no. 1, 2021, pp. 33-47. ISSN 1095-8290. Available from:
Czech title
Zásadně odlišné složení repetitivních sekvencí pohlavních chromozomů v Rumex acetosa
journal article
Jesionek Wojciech (IBP)
Bodláková Markéta (IBP)
Kubát Zdeněk, Mgr., Ph.D. (IBP)
Čegan Radim, Ing., Ph.D. (IBP)
Vyskot Boris, prof. RNDr., DrSc. (IBP)
Vrána Jan, Mgr., Ph.D. (UEB)
Šafář Jan, RNDr., Ph.D. (UEB)
Puterová Janka, Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT)
Hobza Roman (IBP)

sex chromosomes, genome dynamics, transposable elements, satellites


Dioecious species with well-established sex chromosomes are rare in the plant kingdom. Most sex chromosomes increased in size but no comprehensive analysis of the kind of sequences which drive this expansion has been presented. Here, we analysed sex chromosome structure in common sorrel (Rumex acetosa), a dioecious plant with XY1Y2 sex determination, and we provide the first chromosome specific repeatome analysis for a plant species possessing sex chromosomes. We flow-sorted and separately sequenced sex chromosomes and autosomes in R. acetosa using the two-dimensional Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Suspension (FISHIS) method and Illumina sequencing. We identified and quantified individual repeats using RepeatExplorer, Tandem Repeat Finder and Tandem Repeats Analysis Program. We employed Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) to analyse chromosome localisation of satellites and transposons. We identified a number of novel satellites, which have, similarly as previously known satellites, significantly expanded on the Y chromosome but not as much on the X nor on autosomes. Additionally, the size increase of Y chromosomes is caused by non-LTR and LTR retrotransposons, while only the latter ones contribute to the enlargement of the X chromosome. However, the X chromosome is populated by different LTR retrotransposon lineages than Y chromosomes. The X and Y chromosomes significantly diverged in terms of repeat composition. The destiny of the Y chromosomes has been shaped by a lack of recombination resulting in the expansion of diverse satellites and microsatellites and faster fixation of newly inserted transposable elements (TEs). In addition, X and Y chromosomes, despite similar total counts of TEs, significantly differ in representation of individual TE lineages, which indicates that transposons proliferate preferentially either in the paternal or maternal lineage.

Annals of Botany, vol. 127, no. 1, ISSN 1095-8290
Oxford University Press
EID Scopus
   author = "Wojciech Jesionek and Mark\'{e}ta Bodl\'{a}kov\'{a} and Zden\v{e}k Kub\'{a}t and Radim \v{C}egan and Boris Vyskot and Jan Vr\'{a}na and Jan \v{S}af\'{a}\v{r} and Janka Puterov\'{a} and Roman Hobza",
   title = "Fundamentally different repetitive element composition of sex chromosomes in Rumex acetosa",
   pages = "33--47",
   journal = "Annals of Botany",
   volume = 127,
   number = 1,
   year = 2021,
   ISSN = "1095-8290",
   doi = "10.1093/aob/mcaa160",
   language = "english",
   url = ""
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