Thesis Details

Výpočetní model a analýza systému adaptivních semaforů

Bachelor's Thesis Student: Terbr Filip Academic Year: 2019/2020 Supervisor: Strnadel Josef, Ing., Ph.D.
English title
Computational Model and Analysis of Adaptive Traffic Lights

This thesis deals with the topic of adaptive intersections and the study of their influence on the flow of traffic and others. The work contains an analysis of currently used traffic detectors, an analysis of the main problems of classic intersections and the possibilities of their solution, followed by the design of the model, a description of the implementation and testing of the created model. The resulting model is created in the UPPAAL SMC software and is a system of timed automata communicating with each other. Testing is performed by comparing the results of tests of classical traffic lights with the results of adaptive traffic lights.


intersection, adaptive intersection, simulation, modelling, UPPAAL, traffic detectors, road traffic, timed automata, model analysis, statistical model verification, verifier

Degree Programme
Information Technology
defended, grade D
13 July 2020
Janoušek Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT), předseda
Chudý Peter, doc. Ing., Ph.D. MBA (DCGM FIT BUT), člen
Kořenek Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT), člen
Rozman Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT), člen
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TERBR, Filip. Výpočetní model a analýza systému adaptivních semaforů. Brno, 2020. Bachelor's Thesis. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology. 2020-07-13. Supervised by Strnadel Josef. Available from:
    author = "Filip Terbr",
    type = "Bachelor's thesis",
    title = "V\'{y}po\v{c}etn\'{i} model a anal\'{y}za syst\'{e}mu adaptivn\'{i}ch semafor\r{u}",
    school = "Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology",
    year = 2020,
    location = "Brno, CZ",
    language = "czech",
    url = ""
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