Press Release
Day: 18 October 2023
The theme of AI attracted over 280 high school enthusiasts to VIDA
On Friday November 10, an event aimed at secondary school students interested in the topic of artificial intelligence, organized by FIT VUT in cooperation with FI MU, took place at the VIDA Centre in Brno. More than 280 students accompanied by their teachers came to the event from different parts of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. And they didn't regret the long journey. A full program directed by some serious AI experts awaited them.
Right at the beginning, they listened to an inspiring lecture entitled "My and maybe your life with AI" by world-renowned Professor Jan Černocký from FIT VUT's BUT Speech@FIT Speech Data Mining Research Group. He took the audience through the basic terms and outlined the benefits and possible risks of artificial intelligence. He also discussed the democratization of AI, how to build a career in IT and how AI and the IT sector is developing in Brno.
The lecture by professor Jan Černocký was the highlight of this event. | Author: AI 4 Talents
The pull of the knowledge economy is omnipresent in the Brno region and this is evidenced by the AI 4 Talents event, which brought together experts from the academic and corporate sectors as well as future IT professionals. "Modern technologies are pushing the envelope and the opportunity to communicate current trends with secondary school students and potential future colleagues is always beneficial. A positive benefit is also the great opportunity to exchange experience with other exhibitors, whether research teams of partner universities or industrial partners", says Daniel Bambušek from the Robo@FIT research group, who presented the control of drones through augmented reality in an interactive demonstration at the event.
Our faculty also showed how machines learn to read and understand handwritten script thanks to representatives of the PERO project. One of them is Michal Hradiš, who together with his colleague Anton Firc, deals with the phenomenon of deepfakes within Security@FIT , and defended the imaginary faculty colours in a panel discussion.
Panel discussion. FIT was representedy by M. Hradiš and A. Firc. | Author: AI 4 Talents
The interest in the topic of deepfakes was huge. "Many secondary school students visited our stand. We had three examples. Students could try out the latest technology in the field of deepfakes. They were mainly interested in how these tools are created and the process behind them. Their teachers also showed interest, especially in terms of spreading awareness of this technology among students. Primarily they were interested in the tools they could use to try it out, and some of them even considered visiting our faculty or organizing a lecture at their school," adds Filip Pleško, a PhD student at FIT VUT.
Workshops led by companies such as Honeywell, Phonexia and SolarWinds were well attended, as was a lecture on the use of AI in space technologies by Martin Javorka from Zaitra, as well as presentations on current trends and practical applications of AI from Skoda, NXP Semiconductors and Kyndryl. MENDELU also presented its activities in the field of AI.
AI 4 Talents was part of the interactive AI Days festival.
Author: Pešková Sylva, Mgr.
Last modified: 2023-12-06 11:41:20