Project Details

Vývoj aplikace pro automatizovanou evidenci ulovené spárkaté zvěře na základě individuality struktury kožní tkáně vnějšího nosu

Project Period: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025

Project Type: grant

Code: QK23020117

Agency: Ministry of Agriculture Czech Republic

Program: Program aplikovaného výzkumu ZEMĚ (2017 - 2025)

English title
The development of an application for automated register of hunted ungulates based on the individual structure of outer nose skin tissue

System, records, animals, hunting


The project is focused on the development of a completely new system of registration of caught game, which will make data on the condition and hunting of ungulates more efficient and transparent. Based on the evaluation of the individuality of the game according to the images of the external nose, it will not be possible to exchange individual pieces or, if necessary, record a hunt that was not carried out. In this way, it will be possible to easily control the number of caught individuals of given species of ungulates and, based on this data, to process long-term game management strategies in relation to other components of the ecosystem, especially the forest environment in the context of afforestation of calamitous clearings, the regrowth of which, the creation of species-rich and structured forests is in many places wildlife is completely limited. The stated goals are therefore fully in line with the document Concept of research, development and innovation of the Ministry of Agriculture for the years 2016-2022. The submitted proposal falls into the key area of Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry. Thanks to the research concept, it is necessary to include in the economic importance of agriculture and forestry in the national economy also its non-production functions such as aquaculture (production fishing), beekeeping and hunting. Sustainable forestry with maximum use of natural processes (especially natural forest regeneration) cannot be achieved without harmonizing the individual components of the environment with an emphasis on ungulates. The newly designed application focused on game registration will provide reliable data for follow-up legislative measures and the formulation of game breeding and hunting strategies in the conditions of the Czech Republic.

Team members
Drahanský Martin, prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. (UITS FIT VUT) , research leader
Kanich Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D. (UITS FIT VUT) , team leader
Dyk Tomáš, Ing. (UPSY FIT VUT)
Mika Monika, Ing. (UITS FIT VUT)
Sakin Martin, Ing. (UITS FIT VUT)
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