Thesis Details

Webová aplikace pro kontrolu výsledků automatického zpracování videa a jeho ručního anotování

Bachelor's Thesis Student: Červíček Petr Academic Year: 2019/2020 Supervisor: Smrž Pavel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
English title
Web Application for Inspecting Results of Automatic Video Processing and Manual Annotations

The thesis pursues the implementation of the web application for obtaining valuable data for anotation. Data are mainly collected from videos and images, but they can be obtained from deepfakes images and gifs as well. The YOLO - You Only Look Once is used for object detection in the videos. Whole application is developed in node.js and react. Node.js for backend and react for frontend. For a better understanding of web application, there is also historical description of the web technologies.


web, web application, single page application, YOLO, annotation, video, images, deepfakes, Node, React, Material-UI, object detection, object tracking

Degree Programme
Information Technology
defended, grade C
8 July 2020
Ryšavý Ondřej, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DIFS FIT BUT), předseda
Bidlo Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (DCSY FIT BUT), člen
Fučík Otto, doc. Dr. Ing. (DCSY FIT BUT), člen
Lengál Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D. (DITS FIT BUT), člen
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ČERVÍČEK, Petr. Webová aplikace pro kontrolu výsledků automatického zpracování videa a jeho ručního anotování. Brno, 2020. Bachelor's Thesis. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology. 2020-07-08. Supervised by Smrž Pavel. Available from:
    author = "Petr \v{C}erv\'{i}\v{c}ek",
    type = "Bachelor's thesis",
    title = "Webov\'{a} aplikace pro kontrolu v\'{y}sledk\r{u} automatick\'{e}ho zpracov\'{a}n\'{i} videa a jeho ru\v{c}n\'{i}ho anotov\'{a}n\'{i}",
    school = "Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology",
    year = 2020,
    location = "Brno, CZ",
    language = "czech",
    url = ""
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