prof. Ing.

Tomáš Vojnar



+420 54114 1202
A215 Kancelář
2491/osobní číslo VUT


  • 2024

    DACÍK Tomáš, ROGALEWICZ Adam, VOJNAR Tomáš a ZULEGER Florian. Deciding Boolean Separation Logic via Small Models. In: 2024.

  • 2023

    MALÍK Viktor, NEČAS František, SCHRAMMEL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš. 2LS: Arrays and Loop Unwinding (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, part 2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 13994. Paris: Springer International Publishing, 2023, s. 529-534. ISBN 978-3-031-30819-2.

    JOVANOVIC Vojin, KOZÁK David, STANCU Codrut, VOJNAR Tomáš a WIMMER Christian. Comparing Rapid Type Analysis with Points-To Analysis in GraalVM Native Image. In: Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2023, s. 129-142. ISBN 979-8-4007-0380-5.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, HOLÍKOVÁ Lenka, SÍČ Juraj a VOJNAR Tomáš. Fast Matching of Regular Patterns with Synchronizing Counting. In: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2023, s. 392-412. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, HOLÍKOVÁ Lenka, SÍČ Juraj a VOJNAR Tomáš. Fast Matching of Regular Patterns with Synchronizing Counting (Technical Report). Ithaca, 2023.

    FIEDOR Jan, KŘENA Bohuslav, SMRČKA Aleš, VAŠÍČEK Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Integrating OSLC Services into Eclipse. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 13789. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Springer International Publishing, 2023, s. 240-249. ISBN 978-3-031-25311-9.

    HARMIM Dominik, MARCIN Vladimír, SVOBODOVÁ Lucie a VOJNAR Tomáš. Static Deadlock Detection in Low-Level C Code. In: International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST'22). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 13789. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023, s. 267-276. ISBN 978-3-031-25311-9.

  • 2022

    MALÍK Viktor, ŠILLING Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. Applying Custom Patterns in Semantic Equality Analysis. In: Networked Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 13464. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022, s. 265-282. ISBN 978-3-031-17436-0.

    HOLÍKOVÁ Lenka, HOLÍK Lukáš, HOMOLIAK Ivan, LENGÁL Ondřej, VEANES Margus a VOJNAR Tomáš. Counting in Regexes Considered Harmful: Exposing ReDoS Vulnerability of Nonbacktracking Matchers. In: Proceedings of the 31st USENIX Security Symposium. Boston, MA: USENIX, 2022, s. 4165-4182. ISBN 978-1-939133-31-1.

    ČEŠKA Milan, MATYÁŠ Jiří, MRÁZEK Vojtěch a VOJNAR Tomáš. Designing Approximate Arithmetic Circuits with Combined Error Constraints. In: Proceeding of 25th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design 2022 (DSD'22). Gran Canaria: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, s. 785-792. ISBN 978-1-6654-7404-7.

    ANDRIUSHCHENKO Roman, ČEŠKA Milan, MARCIN Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. GPU-Accelerated Synthesis of Probabilistic Programs. In: International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST'22). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham, 2022, s. 256-266. ISBN 978-3-031-25312-6.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, PERINGER Petr, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠOKOVÁ Veronika, VOJNAR Tomáš a ZULEGER Florian. Low-Level Bi-Abduction. In: 36th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2022). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, roč. 2022. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2022, s. 1-30. ISBN 978-3-95977-225-9. ISSN 1868-8969.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, PERINGER Petr, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠOKOVÁ Veronika, VOJNAR Tomáš a ZULEGER Florian. Low-Level Bi-Abduction (Artifact). Dagstuhl, 2022.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, PERINGER Petr, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠOKOVÁ Veronika, VOJNAR Tomáš a ZULEGER Florian. Low-Level Bi-Abduction (technical report). Ithaca, 2022.

    FIEDOR Tomáš, PAVELA Jiří, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Perun: Performance Version System. In: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2022). Limassol: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, s. 499-503. ISBN 978-1-6654-7956-1.

    ČEŠKA Milan, MATYÁŠ Jiří, MRÁZEK Vojtěch, SEKANINA Lukáš, VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. SagTree: Towards Efficient Mutation in Evolutionary Circuit Approximation. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, roč. 69, č. 100986, 2022, s. 1-10. ISSN 2210-6502.

    VAŠÍČEK Ondřej, FIEDOR Jan, KRATOCHVÍLA Tomáš, KŘENA Bohuslav, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Unite: An Adapter for Transforming Analysis Tools to Web Services via OSLC. In: ESEC/FSE 2022: Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. Singapore: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022, s. 1408-1418. ISBN 978-1-4503-9413-0.

    CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Utilizing parametric systems for detection of pipeline hazards. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, roč. 2020, č. 1, 2022, s. 1-28. ISSN 1433-2779.

  • 2021

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automata Terms in a Lazy WSkS Decision Procedure. Journal of Automated Reasoning, roč. 65, č. 7, 2021, s. 971-999. ISSN 0168-7433.

    MALÍK Viktor a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automatically Checking Semantic Equivalence between Versions of Large-Scale C Projects. In: 2021 14th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). Porto de Galinhas: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, s. 329-339. ISBN 978-1-7281-6837-1.

  • 2020

    MALÍK Viktor, SCHRAMMEL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš. 2LS: Heap Analysis and Memory Safety (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, part 2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 12079. Dublin: Springer International Publishing, 2020, s. 368-372. ISBN 978-3-030-45236-0.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, IOSIF Radu, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Abstraction Refinement and Antichains for Trace Inclusion of Infinite State Systems. Formal Methods in System Design, roč. 55, č. 3, 2020, s. 137-170. ISSN 0925-9856.

    ČEŠKA Milan, MATYÁŠ Jiří, MRÁZEK Vojtěch, SEKANINA Lukáš, VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. Adaptive verifiability-driven strategy for evolutionary approximation of arithmetic circuits. Applied Soft Computing, roč. 95, č. 106466, 2020, s. 1-17. ISSN 1568-4946.

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, VALEŠ Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Antiprenexing for WSkS: A Little Goes a Long Way. In: EPiC Series in Computing. Proceedings of LPAR-23. Manchester: EasyChair, 2020, s. 298-316. ISSN 2398-7340.

    ČEŠKA Milan, HAVLENA Vojtěch, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Approximate Reduction of Finite Automata for High-Speed Network Intrusion Detection. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, roč. 22, č. 5, 2020, s. 523-539. ISSN 1433-2779.

    MATYÁŠ Jiří, PANKUCH Adam, VOJNAR Tomáš, ČEŠKA Milan a ČEŠKA Milan. Approximating Complex Arithmetic Circuits with Guaranteed Worst-Case Relative Error. In: International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST'19). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 12013. Cham: Springer Verlag, 2020, s. 482-490. ISBN 978-3-030-45092-2.

    PERINGER Petr, ŠOKOVÁ Veronika a VOJNAR Tomáš. PredatorHP Revamped (Not Only) for Interval-Sized Memory Regions and Memory Reallocation (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of TACAS 2020 (2). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 12079. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, s. 408-412. ISBN 978-3-030-45236-0.

    HOLÍKOVÁ Lenka, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, SAARIKIVI Olli, VEANES Margus a VOJNAR Tomáš. Regex Matching with Counting-Set Automata. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, roč. 4, č. 11, 2020, s. 1-30. ISSN 2475-1421.

    ČEŠKA Milan, MATYÁŠ Jiří, MRÁZEK Vojtěch a VOJNAR Tomáš. Satisfiability Solving Meets Evolutionary Optimisation in Designing Approximate Circuits. In: Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 12178. Alghero: Springer International Publishing, 2020, s. 481-491. ISBN 978-3-030-51824-0.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, JANKŮ Petr, LIN Anthony W., RUMMER Philipp a VOJNAR Tomáš. String Constraints with Concatenation and Transducers Solved Efficiently (Technical Report). New York: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

    AYAZIOVÁ Paulína, HRUŠKA Martin, CHALUPA Marek, JAŠEK Tomáš, STREJČEK Jan, ŠOKOVÁ Veronika, TOMOVIČ Lukáš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Symbiotic 7: Integration of Predator and More (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of TACAS 2020 (2). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 12079. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, s. 413-417. ISBN 978-3-030-45236-0.

  • 2019

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automata Terms in a Lazy WSkS Decision Procedure. In: Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-27). Natal: Springer Verlag, 2019, s. 300-318. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HAVLENA Vojtěch, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automata Terms in a Lazy WSkS Decision Procedure (Technical Report). Ithaca, 2019.

    ČEŠKA Milan, HAVLENA Vojtěch, HOLÍK Lukáš, KOŘENEK Jan, LENGÁL Ondřej, MATOUŠEK Denis, MATOUŠEK Jiří, SEMRIČ Jakub a VOJNAR Tomáš. Deep Packet Inspection in FPGAs via Approximate Nondeterministic Automata. In: Proceedings - 27th IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, FCCM 2019. San Diego, CA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, s. 109-117. ISBN 978-1-7281-1131-5.

    CHEN Yu-Fang, CHIANG Chang-Yi, HOLÍK Lukáš, KAO Wei-Tsung, LIN Hsin-Hung, VOJNAR Tomáš, WEN Yean-Fu a WU Wei-Cheng. J-ReCoVer: Java Reducer Commutativity Verifier. In: Proceedings of 17th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 11893. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, s. 357-366. ISBN 978-3-030-34174-9.

    FIEDOR Tomáš, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Nested Antichains for WS1S. Acta Informatica, roč. 56, č. 3, 2019, s. 205-228. ISSN 0001-5903.

    KOTOUN Michal, PERINGER Petr, ŠOKOVÁ Veronika a VOJNAR Tomáš. PredatorHP Attacks Interval-Sized Regions. Ithaca, 2019.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, HOLÍKOVÁ Lenka, LENGÁL Ondřej, SAARIKIVI Olli, VEANES Margus a VOJNAR Tomáš. Succinct Determinisation of Counting Automata via Sphere Construction. In: In Proc. of 17th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems - APLAS'19. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2019, s. 468-489. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, HOLÍKOVÁ Lenka, LENGÁL Ondřej, SAARIKIVI Olli, VEANES Margus a VOJNAR Tomáš. Succinct Determinisation of Counting Automata via Sphere Construction (Technical Report). Ithaca: Cornell University Library, 2019.

    POMANTE Luigi, MUTTILLO Vittoriano, KŘENA Bohuslav, VOJNAR Tomáš, VELJKOVIĆ Filip, MAGNIN Pacôme, MATSCHNIG Martin, FISCHER Bernhard, MARTINEZ Jabier a GRUBER Thomas. The AQUAS ECSEL Project Aggregated Quality Assurance for Systems: Co-Engineering Inside and Across the Product Life Cycle. Microprocessors and Microsystems, roč. 2019, č. 69, s. 54-67. ISSN 0141-9331.

  • 2018

    MALÍK Viktor, MARTIČEK Štefan, SCHRAMMEL Peter, SRIVAS Mandayam, VOJNAR Tomáš a WAHLANG Johanan. 2LS: Memory Safety and Non-termination (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, part 2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 10806. Thessaloniki: Springer International Publishing, 2018, s. 417-421. ISBN 978-3-319-89962-6.

    ČEŠKA Milan, MATYÁŠ Jiří, MRÁZEK Vojtěch, SEKANINA Lukáš, VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. ADAC: Automated Design of Approximate Circuits. In: Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'18). Oxford, UK: Springer International Publishing, 2018, s. 612-620. ISBN 978-3-319-96145-3.

    FIEDOR Jan, MUŽIKOVSKÁ Monika, SMRČKA Aleš, VAŠÍČEK Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Advances in the ANaConDA Framework for Dynamic Analysis and Testing of Concurrent C/C++ Programs. In: Proceedings of 27th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2018, s. 356-359. ISBN 978-1-4503-5699-2.

    ČEŠKA Milan, HAVLENA Vojtěch, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Approximate Reduction of Finite Automata for High-Speed Network Intrusion Detection. In: Proceedings of TACAS'18. Thessaloniki: Springer Verlag, 2018, s. 155-175. ISSN 0302-9743.

    LOURENCO Joao, FIEDOR Jan, KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. Discovering Concurrency Errors. Lectures on Runtime Verification: Introductory and Advanced Topics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10457. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018, s. 34-60. ISBN 978-3-319-75632-5.

    FIEDOR Tomáš, HOLÍK Lukáš, ROGALEWICZ Adam, SINN Moritz, VOJNAR Tomáš a ZULEGER Florian. From Shapes to Amortized Complexity. In: Proceedings of VMCAI'18. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 10145. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2018, s. 205-225. ISBN 978-3-319-73720-1. ISSN 0302-9743.

    KŘENA Bohuslav, PLUHÁČKOVÁ Hana, UR Shmuel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Prediction of Coverage of Expensive Concurrency Metrics Using Cheaper Metrics. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2017. 16th International Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 19-24, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Part II, roč. 10672. Las Palmas: Springer International Publishing, 2018, s. 99-108. ISBN 978-3-319-74726-2.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, SÍČ Juraj, VEANES Margus a VOJNAR Tomáš. Simulation Algorithms for Symbolic Automata. In: Proc. of 16th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2018, s. 109-125. ISBN 978-3-030-01089-8. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, SÍČ Juraj, VEANES Margus a VOJNAR Tomáš. Simulation Algorithms for Symbolic Automata (Technical Report). Ithaca, 2018.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva k projektu Zlepšování kvality software za rok 2018. Brno: Red Hat, 2018.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, JANKŮ Petr, LIN Anthony W., RUMMER Philipp a VOJNAR Tomáš. String constraints with concatenation and transducers solved efficiently. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, roč. 2, č. 2, 2018, s. 96-127. ISSN 2475-1421.

    HRUŠKA Martin, MALÍK Viktor, SCHRAMMEL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš. Template-Based Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design. Austin: FMCAD Inc., 2018, s. 103-111. ISBN 978-0-9835678-8-2.

    VOJNAR Tomáš, POMANTE Luigi, KŘENA Bohuslav, VELJKOVIĆ Filip a MAGNIN Pacôme. The AQUAS ECSEL Project. In: Proceedings of 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2018). Praha: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018, s. 592-599. ISBN 978-1-5386-7376-8.

  • 2017

    ČEŠKA Milan, MATYÁŠ Jiří, MRÁZEK Vojtěch, SEKANINA Lukáš, VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. Approximating Complex Arithmetic Circuits with Formal Error Guarantees: 32-bit Multipliers Accomplished. In: Proceedings of 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD). Irvine, CA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017, s. 416-423. ISBN 978-1-5386-3093-8.

    AVROS Renata, DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, PLUHÁČKOVÁ Hana, UR Shmuel, VOJNAR Tomáš a VOLKOVICH Zeev. Boosted decision trees for behaviour mining of concurrent programmes. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, roč. 29, č. 21, 2017, s. 4268-4289. ISSN 1532-0634.

    ENEA Constantin, LENGÁL Ondřej, SIGHIREANU Mihaela a VOJNAR Tomáš. Compositional Entailment Checking for a Fragment of Separation Logic. Formal Methods in System Design, roč. 2017, č. 51, s. 575-607. ISSN 0925-9856.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, HRUŠKA Martin, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Counterexample Validation and Interpolation-Based Refinement for Forest Automata. In: Proceedings of VMCAI'17. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 10145. Cham: Springer Verlag, 2017, s. 288-309. ISBN 978-3-319-52234-0. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HRUŠKA Martin, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Counterexample Validation and Interpolation-Based Refinement for Forest Automata. Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2017.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, MEYER Roland, VOJNAR Tomáš a WOLF Sebastian. Effect Summaries for Thread-Modular Analysis Sound Analysis Despite an Unsound Heuristic. In: SAS 2017: Static Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 10422. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, s. 169-191. ISBN 978-3-319-66706-5. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HRUŠKA Martin, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Forester: From Heap Shapes to Automata Predicates. In: Proceedings of TACAS'17. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 10206. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2017, s. 365-369. ISBN 978-3-662-54580-5.

    FIEDOR Tomáš, HOLÍK Lukáš, JANKŮ Petr, LENGÁL Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Lazy Automata Techniques for WS1S. In: Proceedings of TACAS'17. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 10205. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2017, s. 407-425. ISBN 978-3-662-54576-8. ISSN 0302-9743.

    FIEDOR Tomáš, HOLÍK Lukáš, JANKŮ Petr, LENGÁL Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Lazy Automata Techniques for WS1S. arXiv:1701.06282, 2017.

    KOZÁK David, KŘENA Bohuslav, PLUHÁČKOVÁ Hana a VOJNAR Tomáš. Search-Based Testing Concurrent Java Programs Using the RoadRunner Analysis Framework [poster]. The proceedings of the 12th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Telč, 2017.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva k projektu Zlepšování kvality software za rok 2017. Brno: Red Hat Czech s.r.o., 2017.

    ENEA Constantin, LENGÁL Ondřej, SIGHIREANU Mihaela a VOJNAR Tomáš. SPEN: A Solver for Separation Logic. In: Proceedings of NFM'17. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 10227. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2017, s. 302-309. ISBN 978-3-319-57287-1.

    DIAS Ricardo J., FERREIRA Carla, FIEDOR Jan, LOURENCO Joao, SMRČKA Aleš, SOUSA Diogo J. a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verifying Concurrent Programs Using Contracts. In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). Tokyo: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017, s. 196-206. ISBN 978-1-5090-6032-0.

  • 2016

    IOSIF Radu, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Abstraction Refinement and Antichains for Trace Inclusion of Infinite State Systems. In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 9636. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2016, s. 71-89. ISBN 978-3-662-49673-2.

    DUDKA Kamil, HOLÍK Lukáš, PERINGER Petr, TRTÍK Marek a VOJNAR Tomáš. From Low-Level Pointers to High-Level Containers. In: Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 9583. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2016, s. 431-452. ISBN 978-3-662-49121-8.

    DUDKA Kamil, HOLÍK Lukáš, PERINGER Petr, TRTÍK Marek a VOJNAR Tomáš. From Low-Level Pointers to High-Level Containers, Technical Report No. FIT-TR-2015-03. Brno, 2016.

    CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Hades: Microprocessor Hazard Analysis via Formal Verification of Parameterized Systems. In: Proceedings 11th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS 2016). Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, roč. 2016. Brno: Fakulta informatiky MU, 2016, s. 87-93. ISBN 978-80-210-8362-2. ISSN 2075-2180.

    KOTOUN Michal, PERINGER Petr, ŠOKOVÁ Veronika a VOJNAR Tomáš. Optimized PredatorHP and the SV-COMP Heap and Memory Safety Benchmark (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of TACAS 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 9636. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2016, s. 942-945. ISBN 978-3-662-49673-2.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, KOTOUN Michal, PERINGER Petr, ŠOKOVÁ Veronika, TRTÍK Marek a VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator Shape Analysis Tool Suite. In: Proceedings of HVC 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 10028. Zurich: Springer International Publishing, 2016, s. 202-209. ISBN 978-3-319-49052-6.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, HRUŠKA Martin, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Run Forester, Run Backwards! (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of TACAS'16. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 9636. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2016, s. 923-926. ISBN 978-3-662-49673-2.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva k projektu Zlepšování kvality software za rok 2016. Brno: Red Hat Czech s.r.o., 2016.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam, SEKANINA Lukáš, VAŠÍČEK Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. Towards Formal Relaxed Equivalence Checking in Approximate Computing Methodology. In: 2nd Workshop on Approximate Computing (WAPCO 2016). Prague, 2016, s. 1-6.

  • 2015

    FIEDOR Jan, DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, UR Shmuel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Advances in Noise-based Testing of Concurrent Programs. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, roč. 25, č. 3, 2015, s. 272-309. ISSN 1099-1689.

    FIEDOR Jan, LETKO Zdeněk, LOURENCO Joao a VOJNAR Tomáš. Dynamic Validation of Contracts in Concurrent Code. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Universidad de Las Palmas de Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2015, s. 177-178. ISBN 978-84-606-5438-4.

    FIEDOR Jan, LETKO Zdeněk, LOURENCO Joao a VOJNAR Tomáš. Dynamic Validation of Contracts in Concurrent Code. In: Proceedings of EUROCAST'15. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 9520. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, s. 555-564. ISBN 978-3-319-27339-6.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, HRUŠKA Martin, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Forester: Shape Analysis Using Tree Automata (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of TACAS'15. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 9035. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, s. 432-435. ISBN 978-3-662-46680-3.

    CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Microprocessor Hazard Analysis via Formal Verification of Parameterized Systems. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2015). Las Palmas de Grand Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2015, s. 193-194. ISBN 978-84-606-5438-4.

    CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Microprocessor Hazard Analysis Via Formal Verification of Parameterized Systems. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 9520. Zurich: Springer International Publishing, 2015, s. 605-614. ISBN 978-3-319-27340-2. ISSN 0302-9743.

    FIEDOR Tomáš, HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej a VOJNAR Tomáš. Nested Antichains for WS1S. In: Proceedings of TACAS'15. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 9035. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, s. 658-674. ISBN 978-3-662-46680-3.

    FIEDOR Jan, LETKO Zdeněk, LOURENCO Joao a VOJNAR Tomáš. On Monitoring C/C++ Transactional Memory Programs. In: Proceedings of MEMICS'14. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 8934. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, s. 73-87. ISBN 978-3-319-14895-3.

    MÜLLER Petr, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator Hunting Party (Competition Contribution). In: Proceedings of TACAS'15. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 9035. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015, s. 443-446. ISBN 978-3-662-46680-3.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva k projektu Zlepšování kvality software za rok 2015. Brno: Red Hat Czech s.r.o., 2015.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, JONSSON Bengt, LENGÁL Ondřej, TRINH Quy Cong a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of heap manipulating programs with ordered data by extended forest automata. Acta Informatica, roč. 53, č. 4, 2015, s. 357-385. ISSN 0001-5903.

  • 2014

    AVROS Renata, DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, PLUHÁČKOVÁ Hana, UR Shmuel, VOJNAR Tomáš a VOLKOVICH Zeev. Boosted Decision Trees for Behaviour Mining of Concurrent Programs. In: Proceedings of MEMICS'14. Brno: NOVPRESS s.r.o., 2014, s. 15-27. ISBN 978-80-214-5022-6.

    ENEA Constantin, LENGÁL Ondřej, SIGHIREANU Mihaela a VOJNAR Tomáš. Compositional Entailment Checking for a Fragment of Separation Logic. In: Proceedings of APLAS'14. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 8858. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, s. 314-333. ISBN 978-3-319-12735-4.

    ENEA Constantin, LENGÁL Ondřej, SIGHIREANU Mihaela a VOJNAR Tomáš. Compositional Entailment Checking for a Fragment of Separation Logic. FIT-TR-2014-01, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2014.

    MÜLLER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. CPAlien: Shape Analyzer for CPAChecker (Competition Contribution). In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 8413. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, s. 395-397. ISBN 978-3-642-54861-1.

    IOSIF Radu, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Deciding Entailments in Inductive Separation Logic with Tree Automata. In: Proceedings of ATVA'14. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 8837. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, s. 201-218. ISBN 978-3-319-11935-9.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, CHEN Yu-Fang a VOJNAR Tomáš. Mediating for reduction (on minimizing alternating Buchi automata). Theoretical Computer Science, roč. 2014, č. 552, s. 26-43. ISSN 0304-3975.

    DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, PLUHÁČKOVÁ Hana a VOJNAR Tomáš. Multi-objective Genetic Optimization for Noise-Based Testing of Concurrent Software. In: SSBSE'14. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 8636. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, s. 107-122. ISBN 978-3-319-09939-2.

    DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, PLUHÁČKOVÁ Hana a VOJNAR Tomáš. Multi-objective Genetic Optimization for Noise-Based Testing of Concurrent Software. Proceedings of MEMICS'14. Brno, 2014.

    DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator: A Shape Analyzer Based on Symbolic Memory Graphs (Competition Contribution). In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 8413. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014, s. 412-414. ISBN 978-3-642-54861-1.

    CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Using Formal Verification of Parameterized Systems in RAW Hazard Analysis in Microprocessors. In: Proceedings of 15th International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV 2014). Austin, TX: IEEE Computer Society, 2014, s. 83-89. ISBN 978-1-4673-6858-2.

    CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Using Formal Verification of Parameterized Systems in RAW Hazard Analysis in Microprocessors. Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2014.

  • 2013

    CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. An Abstraction of Multi-Port Memories with Arbitrary Addressable Units. In: Proceedings of the 14th Computer Aided Systems Theory. Las Palmas de Grand Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2013, s. 254-255. ISBN 978-84-695-6971-9.

    CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. An Abstraction of Multi-Port Memories with Arbitrary Addressable Units. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 8111. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2013, s. 460-468. ISBN 978-3-642-53855-1.

    KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automated formal analysis and verification: an overview. International Journal of General Systems, roč. 2013, č. 42, s. 335-365. ISSN 0308-1079.

    DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. Byte-Precise Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation. In: 20th Static Analysis Symposium. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7935, roč. 20. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2013, s. 215-237. ISBN 978-3-642-38855-2. ISSN 0302-9743.

    DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. Byte-Precise Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation. FIT-TR-2012-04, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2013.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Fully Automated Shape Analysis Based on Forest Automata. In: Proceedings of CAV'13. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2013, s. 740-755. ISBN 978-3-642-39798-1. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Fully Automated Shape Analysis Based on Forest Automata. FIT-TR-2013-01, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2013.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., CEDERBERG Jonathan a VOJNAR Tomáš. Monotonic Abstraction for Programs with Multiply-Linked Structures. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, roč. 24, č. 2, 2013, s. 187-210. ISSN 0129-0541.

    DUDKA Kamil, MÜLLER Petr, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator: A Tool for Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation (Competition Contribution). In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7795, roč. 2013. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2013, s. 627-629. ISBN 978-3-642-36742-7. ISSN 0302-9743.

    DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, PLUHÁČKOVÁ Hana a VOJNAR Tomáš. Testing Concurrent Programs Using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms. FIT-TR-2013-05, Brno, 2013.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, JONSSON Bengt, LENGÁL Ondřej, TRINH Quy Cong a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of Heap Manipulating Programs with Ordered Data by Extended Forest Automata. In: Proceedings of ATVA'13. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2013, s. 224-239. ISBN 978-3-319-02443-1.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, JONSSON Bengt, LENGÁL Ondřej, TRINH Quy Cong a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of Heap Manipulating Programs with Ordered Data by Extended Forest Automata. FIT-TR-2013-02, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2013.

  • 2012

    FIEDOR Jan, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Uniform Classification of Common Concurrency Errors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2012, č. 6927, s. 519-526. ISSN 0302-9743.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Abstract Regular (Tree) Model Checking. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, roč. 14, č. 2, 2012, s. 167-191. ISSN 1433-2779.

    DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. An Easy to Use Infrastructure for Building Static Analysis Tools. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2012, č. 6927, s. 527-534. ISSN 0302-9743.

    FIEDOR Jan a VOJNAR Tomáš. ANaConDA: A Framework for Analysing Multi-threaded C/C++ Programs on the Binary Level. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2012, č. 7687, s. 35-41. ISSN 0302-9743.

    KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. Analysis and Testing of Concurrent Programs. FIT Monograph. Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2012. ISBN 978-80-214-4464-5.

    CHARVÁT Lukáš, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automatic Formal Correspondence Checking of ISA and RTL Microprocessor Description. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV 2012). Austin, TX: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, s. 6-12. ISBN 978-1-4673-4441-8.

    KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. Coverage Metrics for Saturation-based and Search-based Testing of Concurrent Software. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2012, č. 7186, s. 177-192. ISSN 0302-9743.

    DUDKA Vendula, FIEDOR Jan, KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. DA-BMC: A Tool Chain Combining Dynamic Analysis and Bounded Model Checking. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2012, č. 7186, s. 5. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HABERMEHL Peter, HOLÍK Lukáš, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Forest Automata for Verification of Heap Manipulation. Formal Methods in System Design, roč. 2012, č. 41, s. 83-106. ISSN 0925-9856.

    KOTÁSEK Zdeněk, BOUDA Jan, ČERNÁ Ivana, SEKANINA Lukáš, VOJNAR Tomáš a ANTOŠ David, ed. Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science, 7th International Doctoral Workshop, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 7119. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-25928-9.

    KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. Noise Injection Heuristics for Concurrency Testing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2012, č. 7119, s. 123-131. ISSN 0302-9743.

    FIEDOR Jan a VOJNAR Tomáš. Noise-Based Testing and Analysis of Multi-threaded C/C++ Programs on the Binary Level. In: PADTAD '12. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2012, s. 36-46. ISBN 978-1-4503-1456-5.

    DUDKA Kamil, MÜLLER Petr, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator: A Verification Tool for Programs with Dynamic Linked Data Structures (Competition Contribution). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2012, č. 7214, s. 544-547. ISSN 0302-9743.

    DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. Testing of Concurrent Programs Using Genetic Algorithms. FIT-TR-2012-01, Brno, 2012.

    DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, UR Shmuel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Testování vícevláknových aplikací pomocí genetických algoritmů. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2012, č. 7515, s. 152-167. ISSN 0302-9743.

    LENGÁL Ondřej, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. VATA: A Library for Efficient Manipulation of Non-Deterministic Tree Automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2012, č. 7214, s. 79-94. ISSN 0302-9743.

  • 2011

    FIEDOR Jan, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Uniform Classification of Common Concurrency Errors. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Universidad de Las Palmas de Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2011, s. 326-327. ISBN 978-84-693-9560-8.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., CHEN Yu-Fang, CLEMENTE Lorenzo, HOLÍK Lukáš, HONG Chih-Duo, MAYR Richard a VOJNAR Tomáš. Advanced Ramsey-based Büchi Automata Inclusion Testing. FIT-TR-2011-03, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2011.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., CHEN Yu-Fang, CLEMENTE Lorenzo, HOLÍK Lukáš, HONG Chih-Duo, MAYR Richard a VOJNAR Tomáš. Advanced Ramsey-based Büchi Automata Inclusion Testing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2011, č. 6901, s. 187-202. ISSN 0302-9743.

    DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. An Easy to Use Infrastructure for Building Static Analysis Tools. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Universidad de Las Palmas de Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2011, s. 328-329. ISBN 978-84-693-9560-8.

    DUDKA Vendula, FIEDOR Jan, KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. DA-BMC: A Tool Chain Combining Dynamic Analysis and Bounded Model Checking. FIT-TR-2011-06, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2011.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Efficient Inclusion Checking on Explicit and Semi-Symbolic Tree Automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2011, č. 6996, s. 243-258. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HOLÍK Lukáš, LENGÁL Ondřej, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Efficient Inclusion Checking on Explicit and Semi-Symbolic Tree Automata. FIT-TR-2011-04, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2011.

    HABERMEHL Peter, HOLÍK Lukáš, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Forest Automata for Verification of Heap Manipulation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2011, č. 6806, s. 424-440. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HABERMEHL Peter, HOLÍK Lukáš, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ŠIMÁČEK Jiří a VOJNAR Tomáš. Forest Automata for Verification of Heap Manipulation. FIT-TR-2011-01, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2011.

    PROCHÁZKA Boris, VOJNAR Tomáš a DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Hijacking the Linux Kernel. In: Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science (MEMICS'10) -- Selected Papers. OASIcs proceedengs from MEMICS'10 papers, roč. 16. Dagstuhl: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2011, s. 85-92. ISBN 978-3-939897-22-4. ISSN 2190-6807.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., CEDERBERG Jonathan a VOJNAR Tomáš. Monotonic Abstraction for Programs with Multiply-Linked Structures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2011, č. 6945, s. 125-138. ISSN 0302-9743.

    DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator: A Practical Tool for Checking Manipulation of Dynamic Data Structures Using Separation Logic. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2011, č. 6806, s. 372-378. ISSN 0302-9743.

    DUDKA Kamil, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. Predator: A Practical Tool for Checking Manipulation of Dynamic Data Structures Using Separation Logic. FIT-TR-2011-02, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2011.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, BOZGA Marius, HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu, MORO Pierre a VOJNAR Tomáš. Programs with Lists are Counter Automata. Formal Methods in System Design, roč. 38, č. 2, 2011, s. 158-192. ISSN 0925-9856.

  • 2010

    KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, UR Shmuel a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Platform for Search-Based Testing of Concurrent Software. In: PADTAD '10. Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Trento: Association for Computing Machinery, 2010, s. 11. ISBN 978-1-60558-823-0.

    KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, VOJNAR Tomáš a UR Shmuel. A Platform for Search-Based Testing of Concurrent Software. 6th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Masarykova universita, 2010. ISBN 978-80-87342-10-7.

    FIEDOR Jan, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Uniform Classification of Common Concurrency Errors. FIT-TR-2010-03, Brno, 2010.

    HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automata-based Verification of Programs with Tree Updates. Acta Informatica, roč. 47, č. 1, 2010, s. 1-31. ISSN 0001-5903.

    PROCHÁZKA Boris, VOJNAR Tomáš a DRAHANSKÝ Martin. Hijacking the Linux Kernel. In: MEMICS 2010 - Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Masarykova universita, 2010, s. 143-150. ISBN 978-80-87342-10-7.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., CLEMENTE Lorenzo, HOLÍK Lukáš, HONG Chih-Duo, CHEN Yu-Fang, MAYR Richard a VOJNAR Tomáš. Simulation Subsumption in Ramsey-based Büchi Automata Universality and Inclusion Testing. FIT-TR-2010-02, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2010.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., CLEMENTE Lorenzo, HOLÍK Lukáš, HONG Chih-Duo, CHEN Yu-Fang, MAYR Richard a VOJNAR Tomáš. Simulation Subsumption in Ramsey-Based Büchi Automata Universality and Inclusion Testing. In: Computer Aided Verification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 6174. Berlín: Springer Verlag, 2010, s. 132-147. ISBN 978-3-642-14294-9.

    HOLÍK Lukáš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Simulations and Aintichains for Efficient Handling of Tree Automata. FIT Monograph. Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2010. ISBN 978-80-214-4217-7.

    SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of Asynchronous and Parametrized Hardware Designs. FIT Monograph. Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2010. ISBN 978-80-214-4214-6.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, CHEN Yu-Fang, MAYR Richard a VOJNAR Tomáš. When Simulation Meets Antichains (On Checking Language Inclusion of Nondeterministic Finite (Tree) Automata). FIT-TR-2010-01, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2010.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, CHEN Yu-Fang, MAYR Richard a VOJNAR Tomáš. When Simulation Meets Antichains (On Checking Language Inclusion of Nondeterministic Finite (Tree) Automata). In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 6015. Berlín: Springer Verlag, 2010, s. 158-174. ISBN 978-3-642-12001-5.

  • 2009

    KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, NIR-BUCHBINDER Yarden, TZOREF-BRILL Rachel, UR Shmuel a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Concurrency Testing Tool and its Plug-ins for Dynamic Analysis and Runtime Healing. FIT-TR-2009-01, Brno, 2009.

    KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, NIR-BUCHBINDER Yarden, TZOREF-BRILL Rachel, UR Shmuel a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Concurrency Testing Tool and its Plug-ins for Dynamic Analysis and Runtime Healing. In: Runtime Verification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5779/2009. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2009, s. 101-114. ISBN 978-3-642-04693-3.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, KAATI Lisa a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Uniform (Bi-)Simulation-Based Framework for Reducing Tree Automata. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, roč. 2009, č. 251, s. 27-48. ISSN 1571-0661.

    BOZGA Marius, HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu, KONEČNÝ Filip a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automatic Verification of Integer Array Programs. In: Computer Aided Verification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 5643. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2009, s. 157-172. ISBN 978-3-642-02657-7.

    BOZGA Marius, HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu, KONEČNÝ Filip a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automatic Verification of Integer Array Programs. TR-2009-2, Grenoble: VERIMAG, 2009.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HOLÍK Lukáš, KAATI Lisa a VOJNAR Tomáš. Composed Bisimulation for Tree Automata. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, roč. 20, č. 4, 2009, s. 685-700. ISSN 0129-0541.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, CHEN Yu-Fang a VOJNAR Tomáš. Mediating for Reduction (On Minimizing Alternating Büchi Automata). Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2009.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, CHEN Yu-Fang a VOJNAR Tomáš. Mediating for Reduction (On Minimizing Alternating Büchi Automata). FIT-TR-2009-02, Brno, 2009.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, CHEN Yu-Fang a VOJNAR Tomáš. Zprostředkování pro redukci (Za minimalizací alternujících automatů). In: IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (2009). LIPIcs, sv. 4. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2009, s. 1-12. ISBN 978-3-939897-13-2.

    DUDKA Vendula, VOJNAR Tomáš a KŘENA Bohuslav. Self-healing Assurance using Bounded Model Checking. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory. Las Palmas de Grand Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2009, s. 99-100. ISBN 978-84-691-8502-5.

    DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. Self-healing Assurance using Bounded Model Checking. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 5717. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2009, s. 295-303. ISBN 978-3-642-04771-8.

  • 2008

    HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Logic of Singly Indexed Arrays. In: Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 5330. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008, s. 558-573. ISBN 978-3-540-89438-4.

    HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Logic of Singly Indexed Arrays. TR-2008-9, Grenoble: VERIMAG, 2008.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, KAATI Lisa a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Uniform (Bi-)Simulation-Based Framework for Reducing Tree Automata. FIT-TR-2008-005, Brno, 2008.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., HOLÍK Lukáš, KAATI Lisa a VOJNAR Tomáš. A Uniform (Bi-)Simulation-Based Framework for Reducing Tree Automata. In: 4th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Fakulta informatiky MU, 2008, s. 3-11. ISBN 978-80-7355-082-0.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter, HOLÍK Lukáš, TOUILI Tayssir a VOJNAR Tomáš. Antichain-based Universality and Inclusion Testing over Nondeterministic Finite Tree Automata. In: Implementation and Application of Automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 5148. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008, s. 57-67. ISBN 978-3-540-70843-8.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter, HOLÍK Lukáš, TOUILI Tayssir a VOJNAR Tomáš. Antichain-based Universality and Inclusion Testing over Nondeterministic Finite Tree Automata. FIT-TR-2008-007, Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2008.

    LETKO Zdeněk, VOJNAR Tomáš a KŘENA Bohuslav. AtomRace: Data Race and Atomicity Violation Detector and Healer. In: PADTAD '08. Proceedings of the 6th workshop on Parallel and distributed systems. Seattle: Association for Computing Machinery, 2008, s. 1-10. ISBN 978-1-60558-052-4.

    VOJNAR Tomáš, ČEŠKA Milan, ROGALEWICZ Adam, ERLEBACH Pavel, HOLÍK Lukáš, BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter, TOUILI Tayssir a MORO Pierre. Automatická verifikace programů s dynamickými datovými strukturami. Inovační podnikání & transfer technologií, roč. 2008, č. 1, s. 21-22. ISSN 1210-4612.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HOLÍK Lukáš, KAATI Lisa a VOJNAR Tomáš. Composed Bisimulation for Tree Automata. FIT-TR-2008-004, Brno, 2008.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HOLÍK Lukáš, KAATI Lisa a VOJNAR Tomáš. Composed Bisimulation for Tree Automata. In: Implementation and Application of Automata. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 5148. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008, s. 212-222. ISBN 978-3-540-70843-8.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HOLÍK Lukáš, KAATI Lisa a VOJNAR Tomáš. Computing Simulations over Tree Automata (Efficient Techniques for Reducing Tree Automata). In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 4963. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008, s. 93-108. ISBN 978-3-540-78799-0.

    ABDULLA Parosh A., BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HOLÍK Lukáš, KAATI Lisa a VOJNAR Tomáš. Computing Simulations over Tree Automata: Efficient Techniques for Reducing Tree Automata. FIT-TR-2008-001, Brno, 2008.

    HABERMEHL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš, ed. Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems - INFINITY'08. Toronto: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2008. ISBN 978-80-214-3697-8.

    ANTOŠ David, ČEŠKA Milan, KOTÁSEK Zdeněk, KŘETÍNSKÝ Mojmír, MATYSKA Luděk a VOJNAR Tomáš, ed. Proceedings of 4th Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Brno: Fakulta informatiky MU, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7355-082-0.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of parametric concurrent systems with prioritised FIFO resource management. Formal Methods in System Design, roč. 32, č. 2, 2008, s. 129-172. ISSN 0925-9856.

    SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verifying Parametrised Hardware Designs Via Counter Automata. In: Hardware and Software, Verification and Testing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 4899. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2008, s. 51-68. ISSN 0302-9743.

    HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu a VOJNAR Tomáš. What else is decidable about integer arrays?. In: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 4962. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2008, s. 475-490. ISBN 978-3-540-78497-5.

    HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu a VOJNAR Tomáš. What else is decidable about integer arrays?. TR-2007-8, Grenoble: VERIMAG, 2008.

  • 2007

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Cut-offs and Automata in Formal Verification of Infinite-State Systems. FIT Monograph 1. Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2007. ISBN 978-80-214-3547-6.

    ČEŠKA Milan, ERLEBACH Pavel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Generalised Multi-Pattern-Based Verification of Programs with Linear Linked Structures. Formal Aspects of Computing, roč. 19, č. 3, 2007, s. 363-374. ISSN 0934-5043.

    KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, TZOREF-BRILL Rachel, UR Shmuel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Healing Data Races On-The-Fly. In: Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing and Debugging Modelling - PADTAD'07. London: Association for Computing Machinery, 2007, s. 54-64. ISBN 978-1-59593-734-6.

    ČEŠKA Milan, ERLEBACH Pavel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Pattern-based Verification for Trees. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 4739. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2007, s. 488-496. ISBN 978-3-540-75866-2.

    ČEŠKA Milan, ERLEBACH Pavel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Pattern-Based Verification for Trees. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2007. Las Palmas de Grand Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2007, s. 181-182. ISBN 978-3-540-75866-2.

    HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Proving Termination of Tree Manipulating Programs. In: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 4762. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2007, s. 145-161. ISBN 978-3-540-75595-1.

    KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk, TZOREF-BRILL Rachel, UR Shmuel a VOJNAR Tomáš. SHADOWS - Deliverable D3.2.1: Research Report on Methodology for Self-Healing Concurrent Code Fixing. Brno: Evropská komise EU, 2007.

    DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav, LETKO Zdeněk a VOJNAR Tomáš. SHADOWS - Deliverable D3.2.3: Report on Safety of Program Modifications. Brno: Evropská komise EU, 2007.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Stromové automaty s omezeními v symbolické verifikaci programů manipulujících vyvážené stromy. Současné trendy teoretické informatiky. ITI Series 2007-347. Praha, 2007.

    DUDKA Vendula, KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. Using JavaPathFinder for Self-healing Assurance. In: Proceedings of 3rd Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science - MEMICS 2007. Znojmo: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný, CSc., 2007, s. 67-73. ISBN 978-80-7355-077-6.

    SMRČKA Aleš, ŘEHÁK Vojtěch, VOJNAR Tomáš, ŠAFRÁNEK David, MATOUŠEK Petr a ŘEHÁK Zdeněk. Verifying VHDL Design with Multiple Clocks in SMV. In: Formal Methods: Applications and Technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 4346. Bonn: Springer Verlag, 2007, s. 148-164. ISSN 0302-9743.

  • 2006

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Abstract Regular Tree Model Checking. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, roč. 149, č. 1, 2006, s. 37-48. ISSN 1571-0661.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Abstract Regular Tree Model Checking of Complex Dynamic Data Structures. In: Static Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 4134. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2006, s. 52-70. ISBN 978-3-540-37756-6.

    HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automata-based Verification of Programs with Tree Updates. In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 3920. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2006, s. 350-364. ISBN 978-3-540-33056-1.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Cut-offs and Automata in Formal Verification of Infinite-State Systems. FIT VUT v Brně, 2006.

    HLÁVKA Petr, ŘEHÁK Vojtěch, SMRČKA Aleš, ŠAFRÁNEK David, ŠIMEČEK Pavel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Formal Verification of the CRC Algorithm Properties. In: MEMICS 2006 Second Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Mikulov, 2006, s. 55-62. ISBN 80-214-3287-X.

    ČEŠKA Milan, ERLEBACH Pavel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Pattern-Based Verification of Programs with Extended Linear Linked Data Structures. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, roč. 2006, č. 145, s. 113-130. ISSN 1571-0661.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír, KOČÍ Radek, KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. PNtalk: State of the Art. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents. Hamburg, 2006, s. 301-307.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, BOZGA Marius, HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu, MORO Pierre a VOJNAR Tomáš. Programs with Lists are Counter Automata. In: Computer Aided Verification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 4144. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2006, s. 517-531. ISBN 978-3-540-37406-0.

    SMRČKA Aleš, ŘEHÁK Vojtěch, VOJNAR Tomáš, ŠAFRÁNEK David, MATOUŠEK Petr a ŘEHÁK Zdeněk. Verifying VHDL Design with Multiple Clocks in SMV. In: Proceedings of FMICS 2006. Bonn, 2006, s. 140-155.

  • 2005

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter, ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Abstract Regular Tree Model Checking. In: Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems -- INFINITY 2005. Aarhus: Basic Research in Computer Science, Computer Science Departments of the Aarlborg and Aarhus Universities, 2005, s. 15-24. ISSN 0909-3206.

    HABERMEHL Peter, IOSIF Radu a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automata-based Verification of Programs with Tree Updates. Verimag Technical Report number TR-2005-16, Grenoble: VERIMAG, 2005.

    ERLEBACH Pavel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automated Formal Verification of Programs with Dynamic Data Structures Using State-of-the-Art Tools. In: Proceedings of 8th International Conference ISIM'05 Information System Implementation and Modeling. Ostrava: MARQ, 2005, s. 219-226. ISBN 80-86840-09-3.

    HLÁVKA Petr, KRATOCHVÍLA Tomáš, ŘEHÁK Vojtěch, ŠAFRÁNEK David, ŠIMEČEK Pavel a VOJNAR Tomáš. CRC64 Algorithm Analysis and Verification. Brno: CESNET, zájmové sdružení právnických osob, 2005.

    MATOUŠEK Petr, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. High-level Modelling, Analysis, and Verification on FPGA-based Hardware Design. Brno: CESNET, zájmové sdružení právnických osob, 2005.

    MATOUŠEK Petr, SMRČKA Aleš a VOJNAR Tomáš. High-Level Modelling, Analysis, and Verification on FPGA-Based Hardware Design. In: Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3725/2005, roč. 2005. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2005, s. 371-375. ISBN 978-3-540-29105-3. ISSN 0302-9743.

    ČEŠKA Milan, KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. Parallel State Space Generation and Exploration on Shared-Memory Architectures. In: EUROCAST2005: Cast and Tools for Robotics, Vehicular and Communication Systems. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2005, s. 161-164. ISBN 84-689-0432-5.

    ČEŠKA Milan, KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. Parallel State Space Generation and Exploration on Shared-Memory Architectures. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 3643. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2005, s. 275-280. ISBN 978-3-540-29002-5.

    ČEŠKA Milan, ERLEBACH Pavel a VOJNAR Tomáš. Pattern-Based Verification of Programs with Extended Linear Linked Data Structures. In: Proceedings of Fifth International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems. Warwick, 2005, s. 101-117.

    HABERMEHL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš. Regular Model Checking Using Inference of Regular Languages. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, roč. 138, č. 3, 2005, s. 21-36. ISSN 1571-0661.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter, MORO Pierre a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verifying Programs with Dynamic 1-Selector-Linked Structures in Regular Model Checking. In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 3440. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2005, s. 13-29. ISBN 978-3-540-25333-4.

  • 2004

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš. Abstract Regular Model Checking. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2004, č. 3114, s. 372-386. ISSN 0302-9743.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed a VOJNAR Tomáš. Integration of tools for the analysis of parameterized systems and dynamic networks, Finalized common validation framework. Paříž, 2004.

    HABERMEHL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš. Regular Model Checking Using Inference of Regular Languages. In: Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems -- INFINITY 2004. London, 2004, s. 61-71.

    ROGALEWICZ Adam a VOJNAR Tomáš. Tree Automata In Modelling And Verification Of Concurrent Programs. In: Proceedings of ASIS 2004. Ostrava: MARQ, 2004, s. 197-202. ISBN 80-86840-03-4.

  • 2003

    ČEŠKA Milan, HAŠA Luděk a VOJNAR Tomáš. Partial Order Reduction in Model Checking of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Cast and Complexity in Biological, Physical and Engineering Systems, Extended Abstracts, Eurocast 2003. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2003, s. 254-256. ISBN 84-688-0820-2.

    ČEŠKA Milan, HAŠA Luděk a VOJNAR Tomáš. Partial-Order Reduction in Model Checking of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2809. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2003, s. 265-278. ISBN 3-540-20221-8.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of Parametric Concurrent Systems with Prioritized FIFO Resource Management. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2003, č. 2761, s. 174-190. ISSN 0302-9743.

  • 2002

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed a VOJNAR Tomáš. Automata with Parameterized Arrays and Parameterized Networks of Automata. Paris: The Information Society Technologies (IST) programme of the EU Fifth Framework Programme, 2002.

    KŘENA Bohuslav, VOJNAR Tomáš a ČEŠKA Milan. Integrated Type Analyzer and State Space Generator of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Brazilian Petri Net Meeting. Natal, 2002, s. 6.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. Modelling, prototyping, and verifying concurrent and distributed applications using object-oriented Petri nets. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics, roč. 2002, č. 9, s. 1289-1299. ISSN 0368-492X.

    BOUAJJANI Ahmed, HABERMEHL Peter a VOJNAR Tomáš. Verification of Parameterized Concurrent Systems with Resource Sharing. Paris: The Information Society Technologies (IST) programme of the EU Fifth Framework Programme, 2002.

  • 2001

    KOČÍ Radek a VOJNAR Tomáš. A PNtalk-based Model of a Cooperative Editor. In: Proceedings of the 35th Spring International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Systems -- MOSIS 2001. Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic: MARQ, 2001, s. 165-172. ISBN 80-85988-57-7.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. Analysis and Verification Queries over Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Formal Methods and Tools for Computer Science, Eurocast 2001, Extended Abstracts. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2001, s. 115-118. ISBN 84-699-3971-8.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. Analysis and Verification Queries over Object-Oriented Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2001, č. 2178, s. 365-384. ISSN 0302-9743.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. Generating and Using State Spaces of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, roč. 16, č. 3, 2001, s. 183-193. ISSN 0267-6192.

    KŘENA Bohuslav a VOJNAR Tomáš. Type Analysis in Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Information System Modelling -- ISM'01. Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic: MARQ, 2001, s. 173-180. ISBN 80-85988-51-8.

  • 2000

    RÁBOVÁ Zdeňka, JANOUŠEK Vladimír, PERINGER Petr a VOJNAR Tomáš. An Environment for Building Heterogeneous Models. In: Proceedings of MOSIS 2000. Rožnov: MARQ, 2000, s. 89-94. ISBN 80-85988-44-5.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. Generating and Exploiting State Spaces of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Software Engineering and Petri Nets, 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2000. Aarhus: neznámá, 2000, s. 35-54. ISSN 0105-8517.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. PNtalk Modelling Experience. In: Proceedings of 26th ASU Conference, Object Oriented Modelling and Simulation 2000. La Valetta: neznámá, 2000, s. 65-73.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. Towards Verifying Distributed Systems Using Object-Oriented Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 2000, č. 1798, s. 90-104. ISSN 0302-9743.

  • 1999

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Specifying Properties of Systems To Be Checked Using Their Object-Oriented Petri Net-Based Models. In: Proceedings of 21st International Workshop on Advanced Simulation of Systems ASIS'99. Krnov: MARQ, 1999, s. 219-224. ISBN 80-85988-41-0.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. The C and C++ Languages. University Textbooks. Brno: Ústav informatiky a výpočetní techniky FEI VUT, 1999.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. The First Steps Towards Using State Spaces of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Control and Information Technology - IWCIT'99. Ostrava: neznámá, 1999, s. 165-170. ISBN 80-7078-679-5.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Towards Using State Spaces of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Proceedings of 33rd Spring International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Systems MOSIS'99. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm: MARQ, 1999, s. 141-148. ISBN 80-85988-32-1.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. Towards Verifying Complex Distributed Systems Using Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory and Technology -- EUROCAST'99. Vienna: neznámá, 1999, s. 229-232.

  • 1998

    VOJNAR Tomáš. An Overview of Some Automated Tools for Formal Analysis and Verification. In: Proceedings of 20th International Workshop on Advanced Simulation of Systems ASIS'98. Krnov: MARQ, 1998, s. 223-228. ISBN 80-85988-26-7.

    JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. Modelling a Flexible Manufacturing System. In: Proceedings of 32nd Spring International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Systems MOSIS'98. Sv. Hostýn: MARQ, 1998, s. 195-200. ISBN 80-85988-23-2.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. Object-Oriented Petri Nets, Their Simulation, and Analysis. In: Proceedings of the IEEE SMC'98 Conference. San Diego, California: neznámá, 1998, s. 256-261. ISBN 0-7803-4781-1. ISSN 1062-922X.

    JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. State Spaces of Object-Oriented Petri Nets. In: Proceedings of MFCS'98 Workshop on Concurrency. Brno: neznámá, 1998, s. 87-96.

  • 1997

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Hierarchical and Time Extensions of Pure Object Oriented Petri Nets. In: Proceedings of 19th International Workshop on Advanced Simulation of Systems ASIS'97. Krnov: MARQ, 1997, s. 321-326. ISBN 80-85988-20-8.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. PNtalk - A Computerized Tool for Object Oriented Petri Nets Modelling. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory and Technology -- EUROCAST'97. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: neznámá, 1997, s. 229-231. ISBN 84-88912-04-8.

    ČEŠKA Milan, JANOUŠEK Vladimír a VOJNAR Tomáš. PNtalk - A Computerized Tool for Object Oriented Petri Nets Modelling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, roč. 1333, 1997, s. 591-610. ISBN 3-540-63811-3. ISSN 0302-9743.

    VOJNAR Tomáš. Various Kinds of Petri Nets in Simulation and Modelling. In: Proceedings of 31st Spring International Conference on Modelling and Simulation of Systems MOSIS'97. Hradec nad Moravicí: MARQ, 1997, s. 227-232. ISBN 80-85988-16-X.

  • 1996

    JANOUŠEK Vladimír, ŠMÍD Luděk a VOJNAR Tomáš. PNtalk - systém pro objektově orientované modelování Petriho sítěmi. In: Proceedings of 18th International Workshop on Advanced Simulation of Systems ASS'96. Zábřeh na Moravě: MARQ, 1996, s. 247-252. ISBN 80-85988-10-0.
