Detail práce

Management of Multimedia Description

Diplomová práce Student: Garcia Lorena Akademický rok: 2007/2008 Vedoucí: Chmelař Petr, Ing.
Název česky
Management of Multimedia Description
Jazyk práce

This MSc Thesis was performed during a study stay at the Faculty of Information technology of the Brno University of Technology. Multimedia technologies are attracting more and more interest every day, but currently used database management systems do not fulfill the requirements of multimedia querying, indexing and content modeling. This paper studies multimedia systems - databases, media, its distribution and description and especially it focuses on managing, storing and retrieval of MPEG-7 XML documents using the Oracle 10g Database and it support for XML data. There is also described in detail the development of the sample application, which demonstrates main features of the management of MPEG-7 multimedia metadata on a subset of TRECVid 2007 data set. Further experiments and conclusions are also explained there.

Klíčová slova

Multimedia Database Management Systems, Multimedia Content Indexing, Querying, XML, Metadata, Oracle XML DB, MPEG-7.

Studijní program
Krátkodobé hostující studium magisterské, obor Informační technologie
obhájeno, hodnocení B
21. února 2008
GARCIA, Lorena. Management of Multimedia Description. Brno, 2008. Diplomová práce. Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta informačních technologií. 2008-02-21. Vedoucí práce Chmelař Petr. Dostupné z:
    author = "Lorena Garcia",
    type = "Diplomov\'{a} pr\'{a}ce",
    title = "Management of Multimedia Description",
    school = "Vysok\'{e} u\v{c}en\'{i} technick\'{e} v Brn\v{e}, Fakulta informa\v{c}n\'{i}ch technologi\'{i}",
    year = 2008,
    location = "Brno, CZ",
    language = "english",
    url = ""