Detail práce

Graphical Environment for Genetic Algorithm Demonstrations

Diplomová práce Student: Santos Jaime Akademický rok: 2007/2008 Vedoucí: Zbořil František V., doc. Ing., CSc.
Název česky
Graphical Environment for Genetic Algorithm Demonstrations
Jazyk práce

This paper was performed during a study stay at the Faculty of Infornation Technology of the Brno University of Technology. This paper studies the implementation of six different user interfaces that helps to the user to solve 6 differents problems, explained in more detailed further, using genetic algorithms. These 6 problems are: "Greatest binary number": finding the greatest binary number of a given length; "TSP": Travelling Salesman Problem; "Greatest sin in a defined interval": finding the element with the biggest sin value; "Most ones followed by one zero": finding the binary number with more couples "10"; "Greatest real number": finding the biggest real number between 0 and 100; "Greatest binary real number": finding the biggest real number specifying total and real lengths.

Klíčová slova

Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing, Genetic Algorithm, Java, User Interface.

Studijní program
Krátkodobé hostující studium magisterské, obor Informační technologie
obhájeno, hodnocení @
9. června 2008
SANTOS, Jaime. Graphical Environment for Genetic Algorithm Demonstrations. Brno, 2008. Diplomová práce. Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta informačních technologií. 2008-06-09. Vedoucí práce Zbořil František V.. Dostupné z:
    author = "Jaime Santos",
    type = "Diplomov\'{a} pr\'{a}ce",
    title = "Graphical Environment for Genetic Algorithm Demonstrations",
    school = "Vysok\'{e} u\v{c}en\'{i} technick\'{e} v Brn\v{e}, Fakulta informa\v{c}n\'{i}ch technologi\'{i}",
    year = 2008,
    location = "Brno, CZ",
    language = "english",
    url = ""