Detail projektu
DECIPHER - Digital Environment for Cultural Interfaces; Promoting Heritage, Education and Research
Období řešení: 1. 1. 2011 - 31. 12. 2013
Typ projektu: grant
Kód: 270001
Agentura: The Information Society Technologies (IST) 7th Framework programme
Program: Sedmý rámcový program Evropského společenství pro výzkum, technologický rozvoj a demonstrace
Digital heritage and semantic web technologies hold out the promise of nearly unlimited access to cultural knowledge. The problem is that cultural meaning does not reside in individual objects but in the patterns of knowledge and events, belief and thought that link them to each other and to the observer. This is why story is so important to the communication of, and meaningful understanding of culture.
DECIPHER is developing new solutions to the whole range of narrative construction, knowledge visualisation and display problems. It will change the way people access digital heritage by combining much richer, event-based metadata with causal reasoning models. This will result in a reasoning engine, virtual environment and interfaces that can help curators and visitors to present digital heritage objects as part of a coherent narrative that is directly related to the user’s interests. This will allow the user to interactively assemble, visualise and explore, not just collections of objects, but the knowledge structures that connect and give them meaning.
The partners bring together great skills and experience in the technical fields required by the project, with the authorial and curatorial authority of national institutions, the innovative impetus of a technology-based SME, and the drive to market of a large company that combines heritage and media interests.
Dytrych Jaroslav, Ing., Ph.D. (UPGM FIT VUT) , spoluřešitel
Kouřil Jan, Ing. (UPGM FIT VUT) , spoluřešitel
Otrusina Lubomír, Ing. (UPGM FIT VUT) , spoluřešitel
- OTRUSINA Lubomír a SMRŽ Pavel. BUT-TYPED: Using domain knowledge for computing typed similarity. In: Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 1: Proceedings of the Main Conference and the Shared Task: Semantic Textual Similarity. Atlanta: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2013, s. 119-123. ISBN 978-1-937284-48-0. Detail
- BURGET Radek a SMRŽ Pavel. Extracting Visually Presented Element Relationships from Web Documents. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, roč. 2013, č. 2, s. 13-29. ISSN 1557-3958. Detail
- SMRŽ Pavel a DYTRYCH Jaroslav. Towards New Scholarly Communication: A Case Study of the 4A Framework. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Publications. Aachen: CEUR, 2011, s. 59-70. ISBN 978-3-642-25952-4. ISSN 1613-0073. Detail
- Anotační systém pro Drupal, software, 2013
Autoři: Cudrák Miloš, Dytrych Jaroslav, Kleban Martin, Kopecký Marek, Kratochvílová Marie, Kubík Lukáš, Loskot Radim, Loukota Petr, Macháček Jakub, Pěnkava Pavel, Petr Martin, Smrž Pavel, Strecha Juraj, Žurek Aleš Detail - Sémantická komponenta pro Decipher, software, 2013
Autoři: Kouřil Jan Detail - Sémantický anotátor pro projekt DECIPHER, software, 2013
Autoři: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel Detail
- Decipher focused crawler, software, 2012
Autoři: Mrnuštík Michal Detail - Klasifikační systém pro texty v oblasti vizuálního umění, software, 2012
Autoři: Kouřil Jan Detail - Systém pro rozpoznávání jmenných entit a extrakci informací v projektu Decipher, software, 2012
Autoři: Otrusina Lubomír, Smrž Pavel, Sznapka Jakub, Šafář Martin Detail